The early termination of his contract was not based on a proper or lawful evaluation of the Applicant’s performance. In the absence of a comprehensive and fair performance evaluation done at the time, the reasons given by the Respondent cannot be regarded as cogent or reliable because the Applicant did not have an opportunity to refute, answer or rebut them. They therefore represent just one side of the story and, however strongly felt by the Respondent, are not a reliable basis for a lawful termination of the contract before its expiry date. This is not a question of improper motivation...
UNDP Results and Competency Assessment Guidelines (RCA)
Showing 1 - 2 of 2
Due process
No expectancy of renewal
Performance management
Performance evaluation
Termination (of appointment)
Disciplinary matters / misconduct
Discrimination and other improper motives
Arbitrary or improper motive
The Tribunal found that the performance appraisal followed by the rebuttal process had been done in respect of the rules and procedures applicable to UNDP. Based on the documentary evidence, it was the view of the Tribunal that, as a matter of fact, the Management went out of his way to afford the Applicant with as much latitude as possible to comment and challenge the rating of “partially met expectations”. With regards to the Applicant’s allegations of harassment, retaliation and discrimination, the Tribunal found that both the UNDP Ethics Office and the UN Central Ethics Office followed the...