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E-discussion on the 2015 ECOSOC Theme
“Managing the transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the sustainable development goals: What it will take”

Summary of 2015 e-discussion

As the world transitions from the MDGs to the SDGs, there is wide recognition of the remarkable progress made on the MDGs and the impact on millions of lives. Several important targets have or will be met by the end of 2015. Yet, much more needs to be done to address poverty, as over 1.2 billion people continue to live in extreme poverty. Progress already achieved toward meeting the MDGs can be set back by macroeconomic shocks, natural and man-made disasters, food shortages, or socio-political unrest. Countries will need to accelerate progress, but, at the same time, safeguard and sustain progress already made.

Recognizing these challenges, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) held in Brazil in June 2012 highlighted the need for an integrated approach to development and a transition to more resource-efficient, resilient forms of growth. This integrated approach should focus on the complementarities between the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

During a time of intensifying discussions on the post-2015 development agenda and in preparation for the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) deliberations at its High-level Segment in July 2015, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the United Nations Development Programme convened an e-discussion on the ECOSOC 2015 theme “Managing the transition from the Millennium Development Goals to the sustainable development goals: What it will take.” The e-discussion took place between 17 February and 17 March 2015 with the aim to engage stakeholder groups, experts, practitioners and policy-makers in a global dialogue on specific aspects of the 2015 ECOSOC theme.

The e-discussion consisted of four concurrent thematic windows, each led by an expert moderator and guided by two to three discussion questions. The thematic windows were:

  1. Policy choices and mindset change for an integrated agenda, moderated by Mr. Nik Sekhran, Director for Sustainable Development, Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, United Nations Development Programme; (Summary of Thematic Window I)
  2. Adaptation by institutions and structures, moderated by Mr. John-Mary Kauzya, Chief, Public Administration Capacity Branch, Division for Public Administration and Development Management, Department of Economic and Social Affairs; (Summary of Thematic Window II)
  3. Partnerships for the implementation of the SDGs and the post-2015 agenda, moderated by Ms. Anita Sharma, Senior Director of Millennium Development Goals Initiatives, United Nations Foundation; (Summary of Thematic Window III) and
  4. Monitoring and review, moderated by Mr. Paul Walsh, Chair, International Development Studies, University College Dublin, Ireland and Senior Adviser, Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). (Summary of Thematic Window IV)

The e-discussion provided a unique opportunity for the wider development community to discuss the 2015 ECOSOC theme and formulate critical policy messages and recommendations for ECOSOC. Relevant contributions were incorporated into the reports of the Secretary-General prepared for the ECOSOC High-level Segment in July on the ECOSOC theme and on the theme of the ECOSOC Thematic Debate, “Strengthening and building institutions for policy integration in the post-2015 era”.

The e-discussion generated significant interest and substantive input, with over 750 contributions from more than 170 countries and over 4,600 users who visited the online discussion platform.

The concept note can be found here

To view the contributions to the e-discussion, follow this