
Commission on the Status of Women
48th session

1 - 12 March 2004

Bureau Members
Agreed Conclusions
Official Documents
Panel Discussions
Press Releases
Schedule of Side Events
NGO Participation
Final Report

The forty-eighth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was held from 1 to 12 March 2004 at the UN Headquarters in New York.
(Summary of the session)

The Commission focused on two thematic issues as outlined in its multi-year programme of work:

  1. The role of men and boys in achieving gender equality;
  2. Women's equal participation in conflict prevention, management and conflict resolution and in post-conflict peace-building.

Panel discussions on the above thematic issues were held on 2 March 2004.

Pursuant to its decision 46/101, the Commission held a high-level round table which focused on "Gaps and challenges in measuring progress in the context of the review and appraisal and implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly at the Commission on the Status of Women at its forty-ninth session in 2005". The round table was held on Monday, 1 March 2004, at 3 p.m. in the Economic and Social Council Chamber.

CSW Bureau Members

Following the closure of the 47th session of the CSW at its resumed session on 25 March 2003, the Acting Chairperson declared open the 48th session of the Commission on the Status of Women for the sole purpose of electing the new Chairperson and other members of the Bureau.

The following were elected for a term of two years (forty-eighth and forty-ninth sessions, 2004-2005:)

  • Ms. Kyung-wha Kang, Chairperson (Republic of Korea) Ms. Lala Ibrahimova, Vice-Chairperson (Azerbaijan, for a term of one year) Ms. Tebatso Future Baleseng, Vice-Chairperson (Botswana) Ms. Beatrice Maille, Vice-Chairperson (Canada)
  • Ms. Carmen-Rosa Arias, Vice-Chairperson (Peru)

Agreed Conclusions:

(The following documents are in PDF format)

Resolutions and Decisions

Resolutions - All documents are in PDF format
[Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish]

  • E/CN.6/2004/L.1/REV.1   [ ] - AS ADOPTED ON 11 MARCH 2004
    Situation of women and girls in Afghanistan

  • E/CN.6/2004/L.2   [ ] - AS ADOPTED ON 11 MARCH 2004
    Situation of and assistance to Palestinian women

  • E/CN.6/2004/L.3/REV.1   [ ] - AS ADOPTED ON 11 MARCH 2004
    Revitalization and strengthening of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women

  • E/CN.6/2004/L.4/REV.1   [ ] - AS ADOPTED ON 12 MARCH 2004
    Women, the girl child and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS)

    Release of Women and Children taken hostage, including those subsequestly imprisoned, in armed conflicts

    Mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes in the United Nations system

  • E/CN.6/2004/L.12 - ORALLY REVISED    [ IN ENGLISH ONLY ]
    Preparation for the Forty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women

Decisions - All documents are in PDF format
[Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish]
  • E/CN.6/2004/L.13   [ ] - AS ADOPTED ON 12 MARCH 2004
    Working methods of the Commission on the Status of Women


Press Releases

  • [12 March 2004]

    [11 March 2004]

    [10 March 2004]

    [9 March 2004]

    [5 March 2004]

    [4 March 2004]

    [3 March 2004]

    [2 March 2004]

  • [1 March 2004]

NGO Participation

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which are accredited to, and in good standing with, the Economic and Social Council were eligible to designate representatives to attend the session. Over 900 representatives from all over the world attended (List of Organizations). As has been the practice of prior years, a room was designated for use by NGOs. As observers, NGOs were permitted to submit written statements relating to the two thematic issues. (For guidelines relating to these statements, please link to the NGOs were also permitted to provide input into the session by presenting oral interventions.  A total of sixteen regional and international NGOs made interventions.  NGOs were required to request time for their intervention in advance of the session, and to complete a form which lists the name of the speaker, organization(s)/caucus, topic to be addressed and endorsing groups. NGOs were also required to provide seventeen copies of the statement for distribution to the bureau and translators.

A total of 176 side events organized by UN entities and NGOs took place during the session.