

  • Report of the Secretary-General on the Elaboration of a draft optional protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (includes views and comments expressed by Governments and Other Entities) (E/CN.6/1996/10)
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    Corrigendum 1 (E/CN.6/1996/10/Corr.1)
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    Addendum 1 (E/CN.6/1996/10/Add.1)
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  • Additional views of Governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations on an optional protocol to the Convention (E/CN.6/1997/5)
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  • Comparative summary of existing communications and inquiry procedures and practices under international human rights instruments and under the Charter of the United Nations (E/CN.6/1997/4)
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  • Revised draft optional protocol (E/1997/27, Annex II, Appendix I)
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  • Chairpersons' summary (E/1997/27, Annex II, Appendix II)
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  • Annotated comparison of the draft Optional protocol with the provisions of existing international human rights instruments (E/CN.6/1998/7)
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  • Optional Protocol (A/RES/54/4)
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