
Samoa graduation history

Samoa graduated in 2014 (General Assembly resolution ). It is no longer an LDC.

The CDP recommended Samoa's graduation in 2006. After endorsement by ECOSOC and the General Assembly, Samoa was scheduled to graduate in 2010. Due to the "unprecedented human and material losses which Samoa suffered as a result of the Pacific Ocean tsunami of 29 September 2009, and to the severe disruption this natural disaster caused to the socio-economic progress the nation had for several years been demonstrating", the General Assembly exceptionally extended the preparatory period. The country graduated in 2014.

Samoa's LDC Profile (CDP website) (includes CDP reports, ECOSOC and General Assembly resolutions, Samoa's performance against the graduation criteria, vulnerability profile, CDP monitoring reports and country reports).

Samoa's final report to the CDP on its smooth transition strategy (December 2017).

Other resources:

Documents on Samoa