Judge Forbang

Judge Forbang

Showing 61 - 80 of 99

Le TANU a estimé que les termes de l'arrêt contesté étaient suffisamment clairs et non ambigus pour être exécutoires et que, par conséquent, la requête de l'ancien agent n'était pas recevable.  En particulier, le TANU a constaté qu'il n'y avait aucune ambiguïté quant à la justesse des motifs et à la nature de la mesure disciplinaire prise par l'administration à l'encontre de l'ancien agent. 

De même, le TANU a estimé que le raisonnement concernant le renvoi de l'affaire au Haut Commissaire en vue d'une éventuelle action visant à faire respecter l'obligation de rendre des comptes était clair...

Le TANU a observé que deux échanges de courriels entre Mme Nimusiima et un ancien membre du personnel du HCR (AM) étaient la seule preuve documentaire offerte pour établir la culpabilité de Mme Nimusiima dans l'émission d'une lettre de réinstallation frauduleuse en échange d'un pot-de-vin. 

L'UNDT avait conclu que ces échanges de courriels montraient que Mme Nimusiima avait agi de concert avec AM, mais qu'ils étaient néanmoins "équivoques" (peu clairs/vagues), "purement circonstanciels" et ne prouvaient pas avec une forte probabilité qu'AM avait envoyé la lettre de réinstallation frauduleuse...

Le Tribunal d'appel a rejeté l'appel, estimant qu'il était évident, à la lecture du mémoire d'appel, que M. Hammad ne soutenait pas que le tribunal de l'UNRWA avait commis une erreur de fait ou de droit. Il s'est contenté de présenter les mêmes arguments que ceux qu'il avait déjà avancés dans sa demande de révision devant le tribunal de l'UNRWA et n'a pas démontré en quoi le tribunal de l'UNRWA avait commis une erreur.  

Le TANU a estimé que le DT de l'UNRWA avait correctement identifié plusieurs irrégularités de procédure dans la décision contestée.  Conformément au paragraphe 9 de l'instruction technique 02/2016 du Département des services de contrôle interne (DIOS) sur la politique d'enquête de l'UNRWA (DTI 02/2016), l'enquête aurait dû être autorisée dans les 10 jours suivant le rapport du comité d'accueil ; or, en l'espèce, il a fallu attendre 11 mois pour obtenir l'autorisation d'enquêter.  Le TANU a estimé que ce délai était si excessif qu'il aurait été pénible pour une personne moyenne.

Analysant les...

The UNAT held that the UNRWA DT correctly identified several procedural irregularities in the contested decision.  Pursuant to paragraph 9 of the Department of Internal Oversight Services (DIOS) Technical Instruction 02/2016 on UNRWA’s Investigation Policy (DTI 02/2016), the investigation should have been authorized within 10 days of the Intake Committee’s report; yet here, the authorization to investigate took 11 months to be given.  The UNAT found that this delay was so excessive that it would distress an average person.

Analyzing the evidence presented by the staff member regarding the...

The UNAT observed that two e-mail exchanges between Ms. Nimusiima and a former UNHCR staff member (AM) were the only documentary evidence offered to establish Ms. Nimusiima’s culpability in issuing a fraudulent resettlement letter in exchange for a bribe. 

The UNDT had concluded that these e-mail exchanges showed that Ms. Nimusiima acted in concert with AM, but that they were nonetheless “equivocal” (unclear/vague), “purely circumstantial” and did not prove with high probability that AM had sent the fraudulent resettlement letter to the Complainant (the alleged refugee). 

With regard to...

The UNAT held that the terms of the impugned Judgment were sufficiently clear and unambiguous to be enforceable, and consequently, the former staff member’s application was not receivable.  In particular, the UNAT found that there was no ambiguity concerning the correctness of the grounds for and the nature of the disciplinary measure taken by the Administration against the former staff member. 

Similarly, the UNAT held that the reasoning regarding the referral of the case to the High Commissioner for possible action to enforce accountability was clear and unambiguous.  However, even if the...

The UNAT noted that in light of multiple competing requests for lateral transfer, the staff member had not been one of the candidates who was recommended and selected for the position because her responsibilities had been different from the duties of the requested position, and the Agency sought candidates more familiar with those duties.

The UNAT held that under the relevant legal provisions governing lateral transfers, read together and not in isolation, the Agency had been authorized to base its assessment on the candidates’ suitability for the post instead of seniority, compelling reasons...

The UNAT held that by requesting management evaluation of the negative outcome of the reclassification process, the staff member breached procedural prerequisites.  Instead, he should have appealed the contested decision as laid down in Sections 5 and 6 of ST/AI/1998/9 (System for the classification of posts).  As the staff member’s application was not receivable, the UNAT found that it could not consider his submissions and additional evidence concerning the merits of the case.  The UNAT denied the staff member’s request for compensation in light of its decision to affirm the impugned...

The UNAT found that an objective reading of the staff member’s request for decision review showed clearly that she had only contested the second and not the first reprimand, both issued for not performing assigned teaching tasks. The UNAT considered references to the official having issued it, its date and the remedy sought indicated in the request. The UNAT therefore held that the UNRWA DT had not erred in fact or in law when it considered that the staff member had not submitted a request for decision review in respect of the first reprimand and found the application in the respective part...

The UNAT held that the UNDT acted within its discretion by issuing the impugned Judgment without holding an oral hearing, especially as the issue for consideration was one of receivability.  The UNAT also held that the UNDT did not err in failing to give the staff member an opportunity to comment on the Secretary-General’s reply as he did not file a motion for additional pleadings.

The UNAT found that the UNDT correctly identified that the contested decision was the Administration’s decision not to reclassify his position.

The UNAT held that the staff member should have appealed the...

The UNAT noted that the Dispute Tribunal had issued the impugned Order granting the request to extend the time limit for filing the application without the adversely-affected party being heard and without authority to do so. The UNAT found that the UNDT had not technically complied with its own Practice Direction in issuing the Order and may have strictly violated the principles of natural justice and due process by failing to give the Secretary-General adequate notice of the motion and an opportunity to reply.

The UNAT observed, however, that the UNDT had accepted the staff member’s averment...

Le Tribunal d'appel a rejeté l'appel. Le Tribunal d'appel a estimé que l'UNDT avait correctement jugé que la demande de M. Qasem devant l'UNDT contestant la décision de le placer en congé administratif avec traitement avait été déposée hors délai et n'était donc pas recevable ratione temporis. En outre, sa demande contestant la décision de mener diverses enquêtes à son sujet n'était pas recevable ratione materiae en l'absence d'une demande de révision de la décision. 

The Appeals Tribunal dismissed the appeal. The Appeals Tribunal found that the UNDT correctly held that Mr. Qasem's application before the UNDT challenging the decision to place him on administrative leave with pay was filed untimely and was therefore not receivable ratione temporis. Furthermore, his application contesting the decision to conduct various investigations of him was not receivable ratione materiae in the absence of a request for decision review. 

L’UNAT a estimé que le Tribunal avait eu raison de considérer qu’il existait clairement des éléments de preuve suffisants pour étayer la conclusion de l’Administration selon laquelle les performances du fonctionnaire ne répondaient que partiellement aux attentes et que cette préoccupation lui avait été communiquée. Bien que la confirmation de la notation par le Comité de réfutation et la préparation d'une deuxième évaluation des performances à court terme aient eu lieu après le non-renouvellement, l'UNAT a conclu que ces examens confirmaient néanmoins que l'évaluation informelle préalable de...

L’UNAT a estimé que le Tribunal a commis plusieurs erreurs de droit et de fait, conduisant à un résultat manifestement déraisonnable.

En particulier, l’UNAT a estimé que le Tribunal a commis une erreur en refusant de tenir une audition des preuves que M. Nkoyock cherchait à appeler pour établir sa défense face aux allégations portées contre lui et pour mettre en accusation les témoins du Secrétaire général. Le Tribunal a également commis une erreur en ne parvenant pas à tirer ses propres conclusions sur les faits contestés et en s’appuyant de manière excessive sur les conclusions de l’enquête...

The UNAT found that the UNDT made several errors of law and of fact leading to a manifestly unreasonable outcome. 

In particular, the UNAT found that the UNDT erred in refusing to hold a hearing of evidence that Mr. Nkoyock sought to call to establish his defence to the allegations against him and to impeach the Secretary-General’s witnesses. The UNDT further erred when it failed to reach its own conclusions on disputed facts and relied overly on the internal investigation’s findings. The UNAT found that the UNDT also erred in relying on evidence that it had ruled irrelevant and inadmissible...

L'UNAT a estimé que le Tribunal n'avait pas commis d'erreur en concluant que les faits à l'origine de la réprimande écrite étaient établis. L’UNAT a reconnu que le plaidoyer de Mme Kamara-Joyner en faveur d’un membre individuel du personnel ne relevait pas de ses rôles et fonctions, tant en sa qualité de chargée de résolution des conflits pour l’UNOMS que de présidente de l’UNPAD. L'UNAT a constaté que Mme Kamara-Joyner n'avait pas expressément demandé l'approbation du conflit d'intérêts entre ses deux fonctions et avait refusé de suivre les instructions visant à éliminer le conflit d'intérêts...

The UNAT held that the UNDT did not err in finding that the facts underlying the written reprimand were established. The UNAT agreed that Ms. Kamara-Joyner’s advocacy for an individual staff member was outside of her roles and duties in both her capacity as a Conflict Resolution Officer for UNOMS and as President of UNPAD. The UNAT found that Ms. Kamara-Joyner failed to expressly seek approval for the conflict of interest between her two roles and refused to follow instructions on removing the conflict of interest. Accordingly, she was subject to a disciplinary or administrative measure. The...