
Prima facie unlawfulness

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When reviewing the conditions set out in Article 13 of the RoP, the Tribunal considered whether, in the light of the allegation of non-performance, the proper procedure relating to performance and e-PAS had been followed. It found that the decision was prima facie unlawful because the Respondent did not thoroughly follow its own rules and/or practices (a) by deciding not to renew the Applicant’s appointment without allowing the rebuttal process to be completed, and (b) by its failure to ensure a timely implementation of the 2010-2011 e- PAS.

The Tribunal found that there could not be an absolute and general rule that the failure to give reasons amounts to an unlawful exercise of the discretion not to renew. Nor should there be a rule that reasons should never be given. Having found that the decision was not prima facie illegal, the requirements provided for in Article 13 of the Rules of Procedure to grant suspension of action were not met.Outcome: the application was dismissed.

The impugned decision is grossly, patently, incurably and incontrovertibly unlawful. An order suspending the administrative decision pending management evaluation is bound to work injustice in the circumstances.The Application that gave rise to the proceedings and deliberations in this case clearly was brought under a wrong heading when it was filed as a suspension of action application. The Tribunal, in the present circumstances, must in the interest of justice move this matter to the cause list of applications on the merit and accordingly dispose of it fully and on the merits.Article 36 of...

On the score of prima facie unlawfulness, the Tribunal concluded that the Respondent’s decision not to renew the Applicant’s appointment was prima facie unlawful having been motivated by erroneous factors. The Tribunal thus held that the Applicant had met his burden of proof by establishing that he had an arguable case of unlawfulness. With regard to particular urgency, the Tribunal found that this requirement was clearly met since the Applicant’s contract was to expire on 9 November 2012. On irreparable damage, the Tribunal concluded that the Applicant was approaching the retirement age. The...

Management evaluation: The Tribunal can only suspend an administrative decision that is subject to an ongoing management evaluation.Cancellation of vacancy announcements are administrative decisions that have been implemented and therefore can not be subject of a suspension of action application. The Applicant had not sought management evaluation of the ongoing selection process as such the Tribunal found that it could not be subject to a suspension of action application.

Administration’s withdrawal of unlawful individual administrative decisions which created rights: Staff rule 11.2 not only permits but actually requires the Administration to revoke an administrative decision that it considers unlawful. However, the power to revoke decisions conferring rights should necessarily be exercised within the relevant time frame to respond to a request for management evaluation. Irreparable damage: Where the injury alleged is only hypothetical, it may not be regarded as “irreparable†within the meaning of article 2.2 of the Statute in the context of an application for...

Receivability of application for suspension of action pending management evaluation: It results from article 2.2 of the Tribunal’s Statute that the Tribunal is not in a position to rule on an application for suspension of action, pending management evaluation, on a decision, if copies of the decision in question or the request for management evaluation have not been submitted. Compliance with orders: A party to a proceeding has a duty to comply with an order of the Tribunal and particularly an interlocutory case management order pursuant to Article 19. To persist in disobeying such orders...

Receivability ratione materiae of application for suspension of action pending management evaluation: In order for the Tribunal to act upon an application for suspension of action submitted pursuant to article 2.2 of its Statute, an “administrative decision†must be at issue. According to the Tribunal’s case law, a challengeable administrative decision is a decision taken by the Administration which carries direct legal consequences in respect of the applicant’s rights under the terms of his or her appointment or contract of employment.