UNDT/2017/063, Nchimbi
Granting an application for revision: As consistently held by the Appeals Tribunal, “the review procedure [of revision] is of a corrective nature and thus is not an opportunity for a party to reargue his or her case” (see Sanwidi 2013-UNAT-321, para. 8. Moreover, an application for revision of a judgment is only receivable if it fulfills the strict and exceptional criteria established under art. 12.1 of the Dispute Tribunal’s Statute and art. 29 of its Rules of Procedure, namely (see James 2016-UNAT-680, para. 13): “… Accordingly, an application for revision of judgment is only receivable if it fulfils the strict and exceptional criteria established under Article 11 of the Statute (discovery of a decisive fact previously unknown not due to negligence, clerical or arithmetical mistakes, and interpretation of the meaning and scope of the judgment)”.
The Applicant filed an application for revision under art. 12.1 of the Dispute Tribunal’s Statute of Judgment No. UNDT/2017/042, which this Tribunal rendered on 16 June 2017 in Case No. UNDT/NY/2016/043. The Tribunal rejected the application.