UNDT/2013/160, Nwuke
The Tribunal concluded that the filling of the post by lateral transfer on the retirement of the incumbent was in breach of ST/AI/2003/8. Lateral transfer: The Tribunal held that as a lateral move is a discretionary measure, its use must be in accordance with the established procedural rules and must not be arbitrary or motivated by factors inconsistent with proper administration or based on erroneous, fallacious or improper motivation. The Tribunal concluded that the use of a lateral transfer in this case was an arbitrary use of the discretion conferred by ST/AI/2010/3 in light of the fact that the Administration failed to give adequate reasons, exceptional or otherwise.
The Applicant challenged a decision by the Executive Secretary (ES) of ECA to fill the post of Director, Office of Strategic Planning and Programme Management (D/OPM) by way of a lateral transfer without advertising it. The Applicant alleged that this decision was one of a series of retaliatory actions taken against him by the ES that began in 2009 when he made an allegation of prohibited conduct against him.
The Applicant did not seek any monetary compensation nor did he claim any specific harm or damage so there was no order for compensation.