ECOSOC Resolution 2015/33: International arrangement on forests beyond 2015: [ |
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ECOSOC Resolution 2017/4: United Nations Strategic Plan for Forests 2017–2030 and quadrennial programme of work of the United Nations Forum on Forests for the period 2017–2020:
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ECOSOC Resolution 2020/14: Outcome of the fifteenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests
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: Proclamation of an International Year of Forests
: Dates and venue for the seventh session of the United Nations Forum on Forests
: Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests on its seventh session
: Continued consideration by the United Nations Forum on Forests of means of implementation (E/2009/L.40 and E/2009/SR.42)
: Dates and venue for the ninth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (E/2009/42, chap. I.A, draft decision I, and E/2009/SR.42)
: Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests on its eighth session and provisional agenda for its ninth session (E/2009/42, chap. I.A, draft decision II, and E/2009/SR.42)
: Ministerial declaration of the high-level segment of the ninth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests on the occasion of the launch of the International Year of Forests (E/2011/42)
: Venue and dates of the tenth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (E/2011/42 and E/2011/SR.46)
: Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests on its ninth session and provisional agenda and documentation for its tenth session (E/2011/42)
: Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests on its tenth session and provisional agenda for its eleventh session
: Dates and venue for the eleventh session of the United Nations Forum on Forests
: Ministerial declaration of the high-level segment of the eleventh session of the United Nations Forum on Forests on the international arrangement on “The forests we want: beyond 2015â€
: Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests on its eleventh session
: Date and venue of the first meeting of the twelfth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests
: Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests on its 2017 special session
: Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests on its twelfth session and provisional agenda for its thirteenth session
: Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests on its thirteenth session and provisional agenda for its fourteenth session
: Report of the United Nations Forum on Forests on its fourteenth session