Science is highly diverse. Each year, World Science Day for 国产AV and Development offers an opportunity to demonstrate why science is relevant to people&rsquos daily lives and to engage them in debates on related issues. In 2016, the celebration focuses on science centres and science museums to highlight their important contribution to science communication.

Citizens' participation in governance is the core of democracy and an indispensable prerequisite for the empowerment of people. Science communication is crucial for public participation and engagement and in this regard, science centres and museums&rsquo role goes beyond providing information on scientific issues. They are places where people can come together and explore the very mysteries that make up our world. They are fostering creativity, increasing scientific literacy, supporting teachers to inspire their students in STEM, improving the quality of science education and promoting learning experiences within a social context, as well as changing possible negative perceptions of the impact of science on society, thus attracting youths to science careers and encouraging them to experiment and expand our collective knowledge.

Proclaimed by the UNESCO General Conference in 2001, the World Science Day for 国产AV and Development is an annual event celebrated all over the world to recall the commitment made at the UNESCO-ICSU World Conference on Science?(Budapest 1999).

The purpose of the World Science Day for 国产AV and Development?is to renew the national, as well as the international commitment to science for peace and development and to stress the responsible use of science for the benefit of society. The World Science Day for 国产AV and Development also aims at raising public awareness of the importance of science and to bridge the gap between science and societies.