
Mission and Vision

Protocol and Liaison Service




By serving as the pivotal connecting link between the United Nations membership, the Host Country, and the United Nations System at large, we aspire to contribute to effective multilateralism and to serve the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN Charter.



We are dedicated to our clients, providing them with comprehensive, timely and impartial protocol-based services and guidance through:

  • serving the Member States and Observers accredited to the UN through their Missions and Offices 
  • acting as the primary liaison between the Host Country and the Member States and Observers, in line with general diplomatic and host country guidelines 
  • assisting the Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly, and all offices and departments within the UN System on protocol-related matters



We take pride in what we do and enjoy providing service to our clients 
We are creative and nimble in adapting to the ever-changing demands of our work
We are proactive in finding effective solutions and continuously improving our processes




UN Membership


Un membership picture

  • Registration of diplomatic and non-diplomatic staff of Permanent Missions and Observer Offices
  • Processing requests to accord diplomatic privileges and immunities to diplomatic personnel 
  • Registration of delegations to meetings held at UN Headquarters
  • Assisting Permanent Missions in the preparation of official visits to Headquarters of Heads of State or Government and other VIPs
  • Providing general protocol advice and guidance to Permanent Missions and Observer Offices
  • Maintaining the Blue Book and list of Heads of State, Government and Foreign Ministers


  Protocol and Liaison Service  

Host Country


Host country picture

  • Liaising between the Permanent Missions and the host country in facilitating and ensuring the proper registration of staff
  • Facilitating requests for diplomatic privileges and immunities to diplomatic personnel, changes in status, terminations of staff
  • Registering and processing requests for privileges and immunities of UN Senior Officials

UN System


Un system picture

  • Providing protocol coverage to meetings involving the Secretary-General,  Deputy Secretary-General and the President of the General Assembly
  • Providing protocol support to official meetings and special and ceremonial events
  • Providing protocol guidance to the UN System