

2023 Annual Report on the utilization of the financial contribution of the State of Qatar

UNCCT Annual Report 2020

The 2023 Annual Report regarding the utilization of the financial contribution of the State of Qatat to “Support Initiatives to Adress the Scourge of Terrorism” highlights the main results achieved in 2023 through the support received from the Government and the Shura Council of the State of Qatar. It also provides and update in the implementation of the International Hub on Behavioural Insights to Counter Terrorism as well as the UNOCT Programme Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism in Doha.

The annual report is available for the year of: [2022] [2021] [2020]


Compendium of Good Practices for Measuring Results in Counter-Terrorism and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (CT/PCVE)

This Compendium of Good Practices for Measuring Results in Counter-Terrorism and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (CT/PCVE) is a collaborative effort between diverse institutions within the European Union and the United Nations, as part of joint efforts in funding, implementing, monitoring, evaluating, and learning from interventions in the fields of CT and PCVE. Both organizations recognize the importance of strengthening monitoring, evaluation, and learning in support of more targeted, efficient, and impactful technical assistance for the benefit of end recipients across Member States. The development of the Compendium was informed by the first independent UN system-wide meta-synthesis of evaluation results under the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy commissioned by the Resource Mobilization, Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact in 2021 with the financial support of the State of Qatar, which recommended strengthening evaluation knowledge and capacities among internal and external stakeholders. The Compendium is intended to support programme managers, evaluators, and M&E experts in effectively monitoring and evaluating the results of CT/PCVE initiatives, as well as to further build the Community of Practice on M&E for CT/PCVE.

The Summary of the Compendium is available in: EN
The Compendium (advance unedited version) is available in: EN

2022 High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism: Outcome Document

The Outcome Document provides a summary of the interventions made during the first United Nations High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism, which was co-organized by the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and the Kingdom of Spain on 10-11 May 2022, in Málaga, Spain. The Outcome Document captures key messages emerging from the exchange of innovative ideas and experiences during the Conference on how to build human rights and rule of law-compliant responses to terrorism, including by taking into account gender perspectives. It was developed in close collaboration with an informal consultative group comprising representatives from key civil society stakeholders and United Nations entities.

The Outcome Document is available in: EN

The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) Evaluation Handbook and Annexes

The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) Evaluation Handbook and its Annexes provide practical guidance and templates for the evaluation process in the Office, including its conduct, management, reporting and follow-up, and operationalize the UNOCT Evaluation Policy launched in 2021. The handbook seeks to guide all UNOCT staff, and in particular, programme and project managers who have responsibility for managing evaluations and their programming units. It is also an important resource for independent evaluators to gain an understanding of the guiding principles, standards and processes for evaluations within the UNOCT context. The handbook contains eight chapters: (1) Evaluation and Why It Matters; (2) Evaluation in the UN System; (3) UNOCT Evaluation Function; (4) Planning, Costing and Preparing for Evaluations; (5) Implementing and Managing Evaluations; (6) Using Evaluations Results; (7) Quality Assurance and Assessment; and (8) Practical Guide. The Annexes contain practical information as well as tools and templates for use in the evaluation planning and implementing phases and are referenced throughout the chapters of the handbook.

The Evaluation Handbook is available in: EN
The Annexes of the Evaluation Handbook are available in: EN

UNOCT Strategic Plan and Results Framework 2022-2025

The UNOCT Strategic Plan and Results Framework, adopted in February 2022 and covering the period 2022-2025, is intended to operationalize the mandate given to the Office by the General Assembly in its resolution 71/291 and successive reviews of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The four-year Plan introduces the Office’s vision, mission, strategic goals, and values; sets out how the Office will organize itself to meet these goals according to its institutional priorities; describes the policy leadership, coordination and coherence, capacity-building, and monitoring and evaluation work of the Office; and establishes a Results Framework guided by a theory of change. The Plan’s implementation will be subject to systematic monitoring through a mid-term and final review, to generate lessons for organizational learning, enhance the effectiveness of mandate delivery, and ensure accountability and transparency.

The Strategic Plan and Results Framework is available in: EN

The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) Evaluation Policy

The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) Evaluation Policy provides a framework for the planning and conduct of evaluations in the Office, to promote accountability and increase transparency, coherence and efficiency in generating and using evaluative knowledge, in support of organizational learning and results-based management and delivery. It sets out the purpose and principles of evaluation, related roles and responsibilities, the evaluation criteria applied in UNOCT evaluations, and the process and parameters for selecting evaluations to ensure adequate evaluation coverage. The Policy also provides guidance on the prioritization, planning and budgeting for evaluations, different types of evaluations, use of evaluation findings, quality assurance, as well as disclosure and dissemination protocol. The Policy is guided by the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) Norms and Standards, and upholds and promotes the evaluation practices, principles and values to which the United Nations is committed.

The Evaluation Policy is available in: EN

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Toolkit for PCVE Action Plans

Designed to support organizations involved in the development and/or implementation of action plans to Prevent and Counter Violent Extremism (PCVE action plans), this Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Toolkit, shares practical steps on how to develop and implement a MEL Plan to support a PCVE action plan. The Toolkit caters to organizations at different stages of the PCVE action plan process, aiming at individuals and organizations, such as local and national governments, regional organizations and international and civil society organizations – with little or no experience in monitoring and evaluating.

This toolkit is available in: EN RU
Toolkit flyer available in: EN RU

UNOCT Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Action Plan 2022

UNOCT Gender Mainstreaming Policy and Action Plan, adopted in 2022, sets the Principles, Priority Areas and Action Plan to guide UNOCT’s direction and strategy for mainstreaming gender equality and the empowerment of women throughout its activities. The Policy was developed through office-wide consultations, and commits all UNOCT staff to mainstream gender perspectives in programmatic and policy performance areas; strengthen UNOCT’s institutional capacity to deliver results on gender equality within CT/PCVE; ensure adequate funding for gender mainstreaming; enhance partnership development for gender equality; and promote knowledge and visibility on gender equality in CT/PCVE to donors, Member States, institutional partners and civil society.

The Policy is available in: [EN]

2022 Dushanbe International High-Level Conference Report

The report provides a summary of the interventions made during the High-Level Conference on “International and Regional Border Security and Management Cooperation to Counter Terrorism and Prevent the Movement of Terrorists” which was jointly co-organized by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and the European Union (EU) with support of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Qatar. The Conference was held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, on 18-19 October 2022.

This report is available in [EN]

Compendium of Good Practices 2022 Update: The Protection of Critical Infrastructure Against Terrorist Attacks

The 2022 update of “The protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks: Compendium of good practices” expands the research on this topic and identifies new tools, case studies, and examples from all around the world. The Compendium was updated by UNOCT in cooperation with CTED and INTERPOL, and in collaboration with the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact Working Group on Emerging Threats and Critical Infrastructure Protection.

This report is available in: EN 

Annual Forum of Beneficiaries of Technical Assistance Outcome Report 2022

The outcome report of the Beneficiaries Forum provides summaries of the interventions made during the event and outlines the key guiding principles, main observations, and recommendations that emerged from the Forum. It is hoped that the outcome report will be a useful source to guide efforts in the design and delivery of technical assistance and capacity-building support in counter-terrorism. The Beneficiaries Forum, which was held on 28-29 March 2022 in Doha, Qatar, brought together beneficiaries, providers and donors of technical and capacity-building assistance to assess the results and impact of programmes and activities implemented by UNOCT across its mandated areas of policy leadership, coordination, capacity-building, as well as advocacy, visibility and resource mobilization, in close collaboration with its Counter-Terrorism Compact partners, with the financial contribution of the State of Qatar.

This report is available in: EN