


CEDAW Exceptional Session

5 to 23 August 2002

The Committee held its exceptional session at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, from 5 to 23 August 2002.

Countries Reporting

The list of reports of States parties to be considered at the exceptional session is:

The fourth and fifth periodic report of Argentina

         Summary record of the 584th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The second periodic report of Armenia

         Summary record of the 571st meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 572nd meeting [ | | | | | ]

The fourth periodic report of Barbados

         Summary record of the 579th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The second periodic report of the Czech Republic

         Summary record of the 573rd meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 574th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The combined fourth and fifth periodic report of Greece

         Summary record of the 573rd meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 574th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The combined third and fourth, and the fifth periodic report of Guatemala

         Summary record of the 577th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 578th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The combined fourth and fifth periodic report of Hungary

         Summary record of the 586th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 587th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The fifth periodic report of Mexico

         Summary record of the 569th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 570th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The fifth periodic report of Peru

         Summary record of the 582nd meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 583rd meeting [ | | | | | ]

Flag of Uganda The third periodic report of Uganda

         Summary record of the 575th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 576th meeting [ | | | | | ]

The fourth and fifth periodic report of Yemen

         Summary record of the 580th meeting [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 581st meeting [ | | | | | ]

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At its twenty-fifth session the Committee adopted Decision 25/1 which took into account that there were significant number of reports of States parties which were awaiting consideration The Committee was concerned that the information contained therein would become obsolete, the Committee requested the General Assembly to:

  1. Approve on and exceptional basis, a session of three weeks' duration in August 2002, consisting of 30 meetings of the Committee to be used entirely for the consideration of the reports of the States parties in order to reduce the backlog of reports;
  2. Approve an enlargement of the pre-sessional working group scheduled to meet from 4 to 8 February 2002 in order to prepare issues and questions relating to reports to be considered at the exceptional session of the Committee in August 2002.

In its of 24 December 2001, the General Assembly acknowledged the number of reports awaiting consideration by the Committee and decided to authorize the Committee to hold, on an exceptional basis, an extraordinary session of three weeks' duration in 2002 to be used entirely for the consideration of the reports of the States parties.



[A/57/38 (Supplement No. 38)]

Press Releases

  • [23 August 2002]

  • [20 August 2002]

  • [20 August 2002]

  • [19 August 2002]

  • [16 August 2002]

  • [15 August 2002]

  • [14 August 2002]

  • [13 August 2002]

  • [12 August 2002]

  • [9 August 2002]

  • [8 August 2002]

  • [7 August 2002]

  • [6 August 2002]

  • [5 August 2002]