Title:?NY Festivals Awards 2018
Date:?17 May 2018
Venue:?Lincoln Center
Event Summary:
The United Nations Department of Global Communications (formerly known as Department of Public Information - DPI) is proud to partner with the New York Festivals to celebrate the creativity of the advertising industry and ability to touch and mobilize audiences around the world. Each year, a UN/DPI Award is presented to recognize outstanding efforts in public service advertising to inform and engage the public on global issues, and that best exemplify the ideals of the United Nations.
On 17 May 2018, at the annual Awards Gala at Jazz at Lincoln Center, the UN/DPI Gold Award was presented to theThe Gender Pay Gap Experiment?campaign from Germany. By sending three transgender applicants to interview for the same job, once as a male and then as a female, the non-profit organization Terre Des Femmes demonstrates in a very tangible way how far there is still to go to close the gender pay gap.
A jury of UN communicators?–?graphic designers, campaign managers, marketing colleagues and more?–?had the pleasure of choosing the recipients of the Gold, Silver and Bronze UN/DPI awards, as well as five finalists. The winners are a diverse group, like the UN itself, with campaigns that touch on issues ranging from cyber bullying and female genital mutilation to the global refugee crisis and ending world hunger.?
CCOI's Role:
CCOI participated in the logistical planning of the event.?
Related UN Issues:
Sustainable Development Goals #5 - Gender Equality