
Counter-Terrorism Committee visit to Italy focuses on foreign terrorist fighter threat, law enforcement and border control challenges

The delegation visiting Italy


The Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC) on 22 May 2015 concluded a three-day focussed assessment visit to Italy. The visit, conducted on the Committee’s behalf by its Executive Directorate (CTED), focused on legal and operational aspects of Italy’s implementation of Security Council resolutions 1373 (2001), 1624 (2005) and 2178 (2014).

Italy’s recently enacted Decree Law on foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs), international counter-terrorism cooperation, financial law and practice, law enforcement, and border management was a major focus of discussion.

The Italian authorities shared their experiences and good practices in countering terrorism (including the FTF phenomenon) and demonstrated how they keep abreast of international and regional best codes, standards and practices. New global and regional threats and challenges, including terrorists’ abuse of the Internet and social media, were also discussed.
It was emphasized that the global terrorist threat could be countered through effective exchange of information and international cooperation in criminal matters.

The delegation identified good practices applied by Italy and discussed technical assistance matters. The delegation also reiterated the importance of continuing to effectively implement all relevant Security Council resolutions, with Italy reaffirming its commitment to its constructive dialogue on counter-terrorism with the United Nations, and with CTC/CTED in particular.

In addition to CTED experts, the visiting delegation included a member of the Expert Group of the Security Council “1540 Committee,” as well as representatives of Europol, INTERPOL, the International Organization for Migration, the Terrorism Prevention Branch of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and the World Customs Organization.