
Special Projects

CTED Trends Tracker | Financing of Foreign Terrorist Fighters’ Activity: 2014 – 2024

CTED Trends Tracker | Evolving Trends in the Financing of Foreign Terrorist Fighters’ Activity: 2014 – 2024

In its resolution 2178 (2014), adopted unanimously on 24 September 2014, the Security Council expressed particular concern over the acute and growing threat posed by foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs), in particular those recruited by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or Da’esh), the Nusrah Front and Al-Qaida. It also underlined the need to disrupt financial flows supporting FTFs, while respecting international human rights law, international refugee law, and international humanitarian law.

The United Nations Summit of the Future: International peace and security and countering terrorism


The United Nations will deliver a that creates a more peaceful world. The pact will include a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations as annexes. One of the key themes of the pact is international peace and security. Action 24 of the Pact for the Future focuses on countering terrorism. 

This explores the Counter-Terrorism Committee and its Executive Directorate. It was selected by the Executive Office of the Secretary-General to be displayed on the Video Wall in the Sputnik area in the General Assembly Lobby during High-Level Week of the 79th United Nations General Assembly.

Civil society perspectives: ISIL in Africa - Key trends and developments

CTED’s latest report synthesizes the views of more than 50 representatives of African civil society organizations (CSOs), located in 15 Member States, who contributed to two virtual roundtables convened by CTED in October and November 2021.

Update on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on terrorism, counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism

CTED has been at the forefront of efforts to monitor and evaluate the impacts of the pandemic on terrorism, counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism (CVE), including through its two previous analytical reports. CTED’s analysis of key trends was informed by its dialogue with Member States – including during hybrid assessment visits conducted on behalf of the Counter-Terrorism Committee – and with international and regional organizations. 

Global survey of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) and other relevant resolutions by Member States

.The nature of the global terrorist threat has continued to evolve since 2016, compelling Member States to adapt their policies and approaches to address new challenges and existing gaps in their counter-terrorism measures. Those challenges include the evolution of the foreign terrorist fighter (FTF) threat; the rising threat of terrorism in conflict areas; the emergence of new terrorist methodologies; the growing internationalization of terrorist attacks on the basis of xenophobia, racism and other forms of intolerance, and most recently, the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic.

CTC’s 20th anniversary

.The 20th anniversary of SCR 1373 (2001) and the establishment of the Counter-Terrorism Committee

The Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts a follow-up visit to Tanzania

The Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts a follow-up visit to Tanzania

The United Nations Summit of the Future: International peace and security and countering terrorism

The United Nations Summit of the Future: International peace and security and countering terrorism