

Regional workshops are expected to serve as a vector to reinforce the capacity of States to participate in the Regular Process, undertake and/or participate in assessments, and more generally reinforce the science-policy interface. They are also expected to foster a wider geographical representation and a range of expertise in the appointment of experts to the Pool of Experts of the Regular Process. 

Regional workshops to inform the development of the third World Ocean Assessment  

The first category comprises two rounds of five (three-day) regional workshops in support of the implementation of the third cycle of the regular process. The first round of five regional workshops is expected to be held between April and December 2022, with a view to informing the scoping exercise and the development of annotated outline(s) for the assessment(s) of the state of the marine environment, including socioeconomic aspects, collecting regional-level data, raising awareness on the Regular Process and generating interest from the scientific community in contributing to the drafting of the assessment(s). The second round of five regional workshops will be held in 2023, with a view to collect regional-level information and data for the drafting of the assessment(s) and provide an opportunity for writing teams to meet and discuss the drafting of their chapters.  

See the first round of five regional workshops in the third cycle here.

See the second round of five regional workshops in the third cycle here.  

Regional workshops on capacity-building  

The second category comprises five (three-day) regional workshops on capacity building for strengthening the ocean science-policy interface. Three of these regional workshops will be conducted in 2022, and the two remaining ones will be conducted in 2023. The objectives and desired outcomes of these workshops will be developed according to regional needs in consultation with partner organizations. Workshop agendas will generally include presentations on theory and practice related to the ocean science-policy interface; the interrelation between ocean governance and the ocean science-policy interface; the application of an integrated approach in the science-policy interface; the links between the science-policy interface and the society including ocean users; the role of citizen science and traditional, indigenous and local knowledge; methodologies for evaluating the effectiveness of the science-policy interface and identifying gaps and needs; best practices and lessons learned in strengthening the ocean science-policy interface.  

See the regional workshops on capacity building for strengthening the ocean sicience-policy interface in 2022 here.



17 May 2023


15 May 2023

Register now: Regular Process workshop in Seychelles (31 Jul - 5 Aug 2023)