
Circle of Leadership

  1. In 2017, the United Nations Secretary-General launched a new strategy to prevent and end sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations personnel ().? A major element of this new approach was the creation of a Circle of Leadership on the prevention of and response to sexual exploitation and abuse in United Nations operations (Circle of Leadership) made up of global leaders who actively support this agenda.
  2. The Circle of Leadership represents a visible and formidable symbol of Members’ commitment to end impunity, to strengthen measures to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse, to respond rapidly and decisively to credible reports of such acts, and to meet the needs of victims quickly and appropriately. It also provides the global high-level political support necessary for success.? On 18 September 2017, the Circle of Leadership was formally established by the Secretary-General at the High-level Meeting on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.? As?at 1 November 2023, 66 sitting heads of State/Government are Members of the Circle of Leadership.
  3. Eight informal expert meetings of Member States whose Head of State/Government are members of the Circle of Leadership have been held to discuss ways to ensure that the political momentum of the Secretary-General’s strategy to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse is sustained and intensified. These meetings took place on: 29 May 2018 (co-sponsors: Australia and Uruguay); 25 June 2018 (co-sponsors:? Finland and Morocco); 27 July 2018 (co-sponsors: The Kingdom of Bhutan and the United Kingdom);?17 August 2018 (co-sponsors: Bangladesh and Italy); 30 August 2018 (co-sponsors: Canada and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia);?29 April 2019 (co-sponsors: The Republic of Korea and the Republic of South Africa), 10 July 2019 (co-sponsors: Austria and the Arab Republic of Egypt), and 21 July 2020.
  4. During these meetings Representatives of the Permanent Missions reiterated the commitment of their Head of State/Government to the Secretary-General’s strategy and the Circle of Leadership.? They welcomed the opportunity to exchange ideas informally on progress made, good practices and related issues. All agreed that continuing expert-level engagement to discuss best practice and promote greater visibility of the Circle of Leadership was critical.?
  5. On 27 September 2018, 49 Members of the Secretary-General’s Circle of Leadership on the prevention of and response to sexual exploitation and abuse in United Nations operations, and 21 United Nations Entities joined him in issuing a “Collective Statement” to reaffirm their continued personal commitment as global leaders to support efforts to combat sexual exploitation and abuse across the United Nations system.
  6. As part of the Secretary-General’s social media campaign which took place from 24 September to 2 October 2019, reaffirming their support and commitment to the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, 76 participants responded to the Secretary-General’s tweet, including heads of state or government of the Secretary-General’s Circle of Leadership; Special Representatives of the Secretary-General from peacekeeping and special political missions, Heads and senior officials from across the United Nations as well as members of the Secretary-General’s Civil Society Advisory Board, issued a tweet, all gathered in a .