
United Nations system support for Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want

Cover of the 2023 report on UN system support to Agenda 2063

This report provides an overview of the main activities undertaken by the United Nations in support of Agenda 2063 of the African Union, focusing on the role of energy as a driver of sustainable development in Africa. It provides an overview of the projects, programmes and other activities implemented to support African countries in planning and defining their energy mix, developing new alternative energy sources, promoting economic growth and strengthening their human capital through energy investments, and mobilizing financing through catalytic projects. The report also outlines initiatives on the transition towards sustainable energy and highlights coordination efforts to leverage energy transitions to leap towards sustainable development in Africa while highlighting that substantively increasing access to sustainable energy in Africa is a precondition for achieving Agenda 2063, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change.


  • Black and White (E/AC.51/2023/8): | | | | |