
Fellowship Conditions

Stipend and book allowance


Fellows will receive a stipend each month during their Fellowship, both during their time in New York and, for United Nations - Nippon Foundation Fellows participating in the 9-month programme, during their time at the second phase host institution. The stipend is paid from the date a Fellow departs from their home country, and ends on the date of completion of the Fellowship, including a maximum travel time of up to two days by the most direct air route, in accordance with United Nations travel rules.

The stipend paid to Fellows while outside their home country is a monthly allowance intended to cover the cost of lodging, board and other essentials such as local transport. The stipend is normally payable in the local currency of the host country. The stipend is not a salary or honorarium and is not intended to cover the Fellows’ continuing expenses at home for either themselves or their families.


The amount of the stipend is determined in accordance with the established United Nations rates for each country. These rates are updated regularly and available on this website.
For the first month of the Fellowship, and for the first month of the second phase if applicable, Fellows will receive their stipend at the “Max Trav” rate. For all other months, Fellows will receive their stipend at the non-academic “Max Res” rate. 

For United Nations – Nippon Foundation Fellows completing the 9-month Fellowship, the stipend rates for the second part of the Fellowship will vary according to the country in which the Host Institution is located. 

Atoll gullies from above with manta ray. Photo: Hilbourne, UN World Oceans Day Photo Competition

Atoll gullies from above with manta ray. Photo: Hilbourne,

Method of payment

Once Fellows start their placements, they should open a local bank account, and complete and return a “Funds Transfer Form” (F249) to DOALOS without delay. This form will be provided to Fellows in advance of arrival. The first month’s stipend will be paid by check which will be available on the first day of the Fellowship and can be deposited into the Fellow’s bank account, once opened, or cashed. 
Subsequent payments will be made through direct bank transfers to the bank account as stipulated in the Funds Transfer Form filed by the Fellow. If Fellows are unable to open a bank account due to local banking policies, they are requested to immediately contact DOALOS. Alternative arrangements for payment can be made in exceptional circumstances. 

United Nations – Nippon Foundation Fellows completing the 9-month Fellowship are also advised to open a bank account once they reach the location of the Host Institution and communicate the banking information to DOALOS in order to receive their stipends through direct bank transfers.

As international financial transactions are strictly regulated, Fellows are strongly advised to open a local bank account and communicate their banking information to DOALOS immediately upon arrival, as indicated above, so as to avoid delays in the transfer of subsequent stipend payments.

Book allowance

In addition to the stipend, the United Nations - Nippon Foundation Fellows (the 9-month Programme) will be provided with a Book Allowance of US$100 per month for the phase two of the Fellowship ($600 altogether). This allowance will be transferred to the Fellow either as a lump-sum payment, or on a monthly basis with each stipend payment.

Photo: Cloete, UN World Oceans Day Photo Competition

Anemones in tidal pool. Photo: Cloete,


Fellows will be provided with a return economy class air-ticket to travel from their home country to complete the Fellowship. 

Strategic Needs Fellows will be provided with return economy class air-tickets between their home country and DOALOS in New York. Fellows undertaking the 9-month United Nations – Nippon Foundation Fellowship will be provided with economy class air-tickets to travel from their home country to DOALOS in New York, from New York to their second host institution, and from the second host institution back to their home country. 

The United Nations designated travel agency (American Expressor ‘AMEX’) will purchase the economy class (round trip) air tickets in accordance with the applicable United Nations policies and send them to you electronically, once we get all the travel clearances. You may make changes to your travel schedule (such as arriving earlier or leaving later, choosing a different airline, etc.), with any additional costs as a result of the change being at your own expense. Candidates should not in any circumstances book their own travel.


It is very important that once Fellows receive confirmation of having been awarded a Fellowship, they immediately begin applying for visa(s) for the country or countries in which their Fellowship will take place. The United Nations is not competent to advise on which type of visa Fellows require, with this being a matter for the immigration authorities of each State. The United Nations will provide a visa support letter to assist you and the authorities with determining the appropriate visa classification for you. However, the timely obtention of all necessary visa(s) – including any required transit visa(s) – is the sole responsibility of the Fellows. 

Fellows will not be authorized to travel until they have secured the necessary visa(s). Fellows should understand that certain visa application processes are very lengthy and thus they should plan accordingly while considering the timing of their placements and the overall duration of the Fellowship tenure. Although the Fellows are also responsible for the costs of obtaining visa(s), it should be noted that the first month’s stipend rate (“Max Trav” rate) is higher than the subsequent months (“Max Res” rate) so as to offset such costs.

Once Fellows have secured the required visa(s), they should immediately provide a copy to DOALOS so that travel can be processed.


Fellows are responsible for securing their accommodations; in the case of United Nations – Nippon Foundation Fellows completing the 9-month Fellowship this is valid for both placement locations. In certain cases, it may be possible for Fellows to make the appropriate arrangements through their host institutions. Nonetheless, all such arrangements are the sole responsibility of the Fellows. The United Nations, as well as the Host Institutions, will not act on behalf of the Fellows, serve as guarantors, or accept any liabilities or responsibilities in this regard.

Fellows are strongly encouraged to research local housing markets and secure their accommodations as early as possible.


For the period of the Fellowship, medical coverage is provided by Cigna Health Insurance. Cigna offers 100% medical coverage for general medical and hospital treatments up to a certain limit. Specialized services are not covered. Fellows are responsible for paying medical fees when they visit a doctor and may seek reimbursement later by submitting a claim to Cigna. Full details of the health insurance coverage will be provided to Fellows upon selection.

Family members

Fellows are asked not to take family members with them during the Fellowship placements. The United Nations and the host institutions will not provide any supporting documentation for visa application(s) of family members. The monthly stipend rates are sufficient to cover the normal living expenses of one person, and no allowances of any kind will be paid for accompanying family members. Furthermore, the Fellows’ medical insurance, which is arranged by the United Nations, will not cover any family members accompanying Fellows during their tenure. Fellows should also consider that, in the course of their award, they may be required to travel under circumstances that would make it difficult or impossible for their family members to accompany them.

Medical clearance

Successful candidates must be medically cleared by the United Nations Medical Service before their award and travel is processed. Details of the medical clearance instructions will be provided by DOALOS to selected Fellows.

Pink skunk anemone fish in anemone. Photo: Gallagher, UN World Oceans Day Photo Competition 

Pink skunk anemone fish in anemone. Photo: Gallagher,

Fellows’ obligations

Certain required deliverables must be completed by Fellows under each Fellowship programme. These reporting requirements are mandatory, and if Fellows do not meet these requirements, they will not be granted a confirmation of completion for the Fellowship Programme, and the United Nations will take all appropriate actions including informing the Fellows’ nominating authority and Government.

The current requirements are outlined on each of the Fellowship pages. 

Please note that the Fellowship Programme reserves the right to make modifications to these reporting requirements during the course of the Programme, and the fulfillment of such modifications by Fellows will also be mandatory.

Fish, sea star and kelp forest. Photo: Klostermann, UN World Oceans Day Photo Competition

Fish, sea star and kelp forest. Photo: Klostermann,