
Online application for LDC5 Private Sector Forum

PSF online application banner

Online application for LDC5 Private Sector Forum (PSF) for travel sponsorship, side-events and exhibition booths are now open!

IMPORTANT: Your organization/company must be accredited to the UN as a stakeholder to participate in the LDC5 Conference. If you apply for travel sponsorship, side-event or exhibition booth, you must apply for special accreditation in order to attend the Conference before 2 December 2022. If you have already been previously accredited through the first and second round of special accreditation that took place in 2021, you do not have to apply again.

Application for side-events

Application closed.

In connection with the LDC5 Private Sector Forum, to be held from 5 to 7 March 2023 at the Qatar National Convention Centre in Doha, there will be side-events organized by accredited private sector organizations and other stakeholders, Member states, Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs) and UN entities).

Interested parties are invited to submit their application to organize a side event.

Application for travel sponsorship

Application closed.

A limited number of participants can receive funding (travel and accommodation) for their participation in the LDC5 Private Sector Forum.

Criteria for participants to be funded:

  • Representative of LDC MSMEs in one of the (or a related) focus sectors of the LDC5 Private Sector Forum
  • Representative of LDC business organization such as Chambers of Commerce, Employer Organizations, Investment Promotion Agencies, etc.

* PLEASE NOTE: If you have already applied for travel sponsorship for the LDC5 PSF in 2021, you need not apply again as those applications will be considered.

Application for exhibition booth

Application closed.

A limited number of company booths are available in the networking zone. Interested parties are invited to submit their application for a company booth.

The booth space is fully financed by the host country and are available at no cost (including the header with company logo). All other display materials, including banners, posters, flyers, brochures, catalogs, and other promotional items etc. are the responsibility of participating companies.

Participating companies will be responsible for arranging and financing flights to/and from Doha and accommodation.

Each booth will be supplied with: 3m x 3m, panel wall 1 booth header with company logo 1 information desk 1 table with 2 chairs 1 electricity outlet.

It is the responsibility of the participating company to ensure the booth is staffed at all opening times of the Private Sector Forum (5-7 March 2023).