
Judge Sandhu

Judge Sandhu

Showing 161 - 180 of 268

En ce qui concerne l'appel par le Secr¨¦taire g¨¦n¨¦ral de la conclusion de l'UNDT que l'inconduite en vertu du chef 2 n'a pas ¨¦t¨¦ ¨¦tablie, l'UNAT a jug¨¦ que l'UNDT ne s'est pas tromp¨¦ en fait, ce qui a entra?n¨¦ une d¨¦cision manifestement d¨¦raisonnable. Les messages envoy¨¦s par le membre du personnel ¨¤ son voisin ¨¦taient des suggestions et des d¨¦clarations ¨¤ une personne qui n'¨¦tait pas t¨¦moin ¨¤ l'¨¦poque. Le membre du personnel n'¨¦tait pas sous et ne soup?onnait pas qu'il serait probablement sous une enqu¨ºte au moment o¨´ il a envoy¨¦ les messages.

Le voisin les a trouv¨¦ appropri¨¦s et ne se...

2023-UNAT-1322, Ronahi Majdalawi

Unat a jug¨¦ que l'UNRWA DT exer?ait son pouvoir discr¨¦tionnaire pour poursuivre le jugement sommaire l¨¦galement et de mani¨¨re appropri¨¦e. Unat a jug¨¦ que l'UNRWA DT avait commis une erreur lorsqu'elle a d¨¦cid¨¦ que la demande de l'appelant n'¨¦tait pas ¨¤ recevoir Ratione Materiae. UNAT a not¨¦ que l'affaire ¨¦tait presque identique ¨¤ Oussama Abed & Eman Abed c. Commissaire g¨¦n¨¦ral de l'Agence des Nations Unies pour Relief and Works pour les r¨¦fugi¨¦s palestiniens du Proche-Orient (jugement n ¡ã 2022-UNAT-1297). Conform¨¦ment ¨¤ ce jugement, Unat a jug¨¦ que le placement d'une lettre rappelant ¨¤ l...

L'UNAT a jug¨¦ que l'attribution pour compensation au lieu de l'annulation comprenait le co?t suppl¨¦mentaire encouru par le membre du personnel dans le maintien de deux m¨¦nages ¨¤ la suite de la d¨¦cision contest¨¦e. L'UNAT a constat¨¦ que, compte tenu de la demande d'interpr¨¦tation, il ¨¦tait raisonnable que l'administration attende l'interpr¨¦tation du Tribunal d'appel. Cependant, le secr¨¦taire g¨¦n¨¦ral est condamn¨¦ ¨¤ ex¨¦cuter pleinement le jugement initial et ¨¤ payer le membre du personnel de 450 USD dans les 30 jours civils ¨¤ compter de la d¨¦livrance du jugement actuel. L'UNAT a not¨¦ que, ¨¦tant...

L'UNAT a rejet¨¦ l'appel. L'UNAT a jug¨¦ que l¡¯UNDT avait correctement trouv¨¦ la demande de la demande de Mme Raschdorf en ce qui concerne la d¨¦cision non renouvelable et la d¨¦cision de l¡¯ABCC, la d¨¦cision de Mme Raschdorf ¨¤ demander l¡¯¨¦valuation de la gestion. L'UNAT a constat¨¦ que contrairement ¨¤ l'affirmation de Mme Raschdorf, la d¨¦cision non renouvelable n'a pas ¨¦t¨¦ prise apr¨¨s les conseils d'un organe technique. En ce qui concerne la d¨¦cision de l'ABCC quant ¨¤ savoir si la r¨¦clamation a ¨¦t¨¦ d¨¦rang¨¦e, l'UNAT a constat¨¦ que cette d¨¦cision n'¨¦tait pas fond¨¦e sur une consid¨¦ration d'une...

2023-UNAT-1332, AAE

L'UNAT a jug¨¦ que le Tribunal des diff¨¦rends a raisonn¨¦ ¨¤ juste titre qu'en vertu du cadre disciplinaire de l'UNFPA, l'¨¦valuation des faits d'inconduite n'est pas exclusive ¨¤ l'OAIS, mais que le directeur du D¨¦partement des ressources humaines (directeur / DHR) doit ¨¦galement analyser les ¨¦l¨¦ments de preuve, et une telle analyse pourrait conduire le DHR ¨¤ une conclusion diff¨¦rente de celle de l'OAIS. En cons¨¦quence, dans ce cas, l'UNAT a constat¨¦ que l'administration de l'UNFPA avait l'autorit¨¦ ou le locus standi pour proc¨¦der ¨¤ un processus disciplinaire m¨ºme en l'absence d'une conclusion d...

The UNAT dismissed the appeal. The UNAT held that the UNDT correctly found not receivable Ms. Raschdorf's application with respect to the non-renewal decision and the ABCC¡¯s decision given Ms. Raschdorf's failure to request management evaluation.  The UNAT found that contrary to Ms. Raschdorf's contention, the non-renewal decision was not taken subsequent to advice from a technical body. As to the ABCC's decision on whether the claim was time-barred, the UNAT found that that decision was not based on a consideration of a medical evaluation but was concerned with the timeliness of the...

2023-UNAT-1332, AAE

The UNAT held that the Dispute Tribunal correctly reasoned that under the UNFPA Disciplinary Framework, the assessment of the facts of misconduct is not exclusive to OAIS, but that the Director of the Department of Human Resources (Director/DHR) must also analyze the evidence, and such analysis could lead DHR to a different conclusion than that of OAIS. Accordingly, in this case, the UNAT found that the UNFPA Administration had the authority or locus standi to proceed with a disciplinary process even in the absence of a finding of misconduct by OAIS. The UNAT further held that the UNFPA...

With respect to the Secretary-General's appeal of the UNDT finding that misconduct under Count 2 was not established, the UNAT held that the UNDT did not err in fact, resulting in a manifestly unreasonable decision. Messages sent by the staff member to his neighbour were suggestions and statements to a person who was not a witness at the time. The staff member was not under and did not suspect he would likely be under an investigation at the time he sent the messages. The neighbour found them appropriate and did not feel ¡°influenced¡± by them. 

The UNAT also denied the Secretary-General¡¯s...

2023-UNAT-1322, Ronahi Majdalawi

UNAT held that UNRWA DT exercised its discretion to proceed by summary judgment lawfully and appropriately.

UNAT held that the UNRWA DT erred when it decided that the Appellant¡¯s application was not receivable ratione materiae.  UNAT noted that the case was almost identical to Osama Abed & Eman Abed v. Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (Judgment No. 2022-UNAT-1297).   Consistent with this Judgment, UNAT held that the placement of a letter reminding the Appellant of her obligation to behave at all times in a manner...

The UNAT held that the award for compensation in lieu of rescission included the additional cost incurred by the staff member in maintaining two households as a result of the contested decision.

The UNAT found that, given the application for interpretation, it was reasonable for the Administration to await the Appeals Tribunal¡¯s interpretation. However, the Secretary-General is ordered to fully execute the original Judgment and pay to the staff member USD 450 within 30 calendar days from the issuance of the current judgment.

The UNAT noted that, given the delay in execution and in the...

Unat a not¨¦ que la seule question en appel ¨¦tait la question de l'indemnisation appropri¨¦e pour la d¨¦cision contest¨¦e ill¨¦gale. Unat a constat¨¦ que le UNT a constat¨¦ de mani¨¨re appropri¨¦e que la r¨¦mun¨¦ration demand¨¦e d'un montant de deux ans de salaire de base net ¨¦tait injustifi¨¦e car elle d¨¦passerait les ¨¦moluments auxquels il aurait ¨¦t¨¦ intitul¨¦ absent de la r¨¦siliation ill¨¦gale. Unat n'a trouv¨¦ aucun m¨¦rite dans l'affirmation de M. Kilauri selon laquelle le UNDT n'avait pas pris en compte la nature et le niveau du poste qu'il occupait auparavant et les chances de renouvellement au-del¨¤ de...

UNAT noted that the only issue on appeal was the issue of appropriate compensation for the unlawful contested decision.  UNAT found that the UNDT appropriately found that the requested compensation in the amount of two years¡¯ net base salary was unwarranted as it would exceed the emoluments to which he would have been entitled absent the unlawful termination. UNAT found no merit in Mr. Kilauri¡¯s contention that the UNDT failed to consider the nature and level of the post he formerly occupied and the chances of renewal beyond the expiry of his fixed-term contract but for his unlawful...

2022-UNAT-1303, Dourrho Pierre

M. Pierre a d¨¦pos¨¦ un appel. Unat n'a trouv¨¦ aucune erreur dans la conclusion du Tribunal des diff¨¦rends selon laquelle la demande n'¨¦tait pas ¨¤ recevoir. La d¨¦cision contest¨¦e n¡¯a pas eu de cons¨¦quences juridiques affectant n¨¦gativement les termes et conditions de la nomination de M. Pierre et, par cons¨¦quent, il n¡¯y avait pas de d¨¦cision administrative en appel. UNAT ¨¦tait convaincu que l'UNDT a correctement soutenu que, puisque M. Pierre n'avait aucune esp¨¦rance de renouvellement de sa nomination ¨¤ terme, les renouvellements ¨¤ court terme ¨¦taient consid¨¦r¨¦s comme prima facie en sa faveur. L...

2022-UNAT-1303, Dourrho Pierre

Mr. Pierre filed an appeal.  UNAT found no error in the Dispute Tribunal's conclusion that the application was not receivable.  The contested decision did not have legal consequences adversely affecting the terms and conditions of Mr. Pierre¡¯s appointment and therefore, there was no appealable administrative decision. UNAT was satisfied that the UNDT correctly held that since Mr. Pierre had no expectancy of renewal of his fixed-term appointment, the short-term renewals were considered prima facie in his favour.  UNAT also found that Mr. Pierre had not provided sufficient evidence that the...

En ce qui concerne la demande d'une audience orale, l'UNAT a jug¨¦ que l'UNRWA DT avait l¨¦galement exerc¨¦ son pouvoir discr¨¦tionnaire et avait donn¨¦ une explication raisonnable pour ne pas tenir une audience orale. L'UNRWA DT a d¨¦termin¨¦ correctement que les preuves documentaires compl¨¨tes avant qu'elle ne soit suffisante pour rendre une d¨¦cision sans avoir besoin d'une audience orale, d'autant plus que la question ¨¦tait de recevoir. De plus, les appelants n'ont pas montr¨¦ comment le refus de la demande de d¨¦tenir une audience orale a affect¨¦ le jugement. En ce qui concerne la question de la...

As regards the request for an oral hearing, the UNAT held that the UNRWA DT had lawfully exercised its discretion and given a reasonable explanation for not holding an oral hearing.  The UNRWA DT correctly determined that the comprehensive documentary evidence before it was sufficient to render a decision without the need for an oral hearing, especially as the issue was one of receivability. Further, the appellants have not shown how the denial of the request to hold an oral hearing affected the Judgment. With respect to the issue of receivability, the UNAT agreed with the UNRWA DT and upheld...

2022-UNAT-1280, AAA

L'AAA a fait appel et le secr¨¦taire g¨¦n¨¦ral est interrompu. Les non-¨¦tat n'¨¦taient pas d'accord avec la position de l'UNDT selon laquelle AAA ne pouvait pas ¨ºtre tenu de signaler une all¨¦gation de viol "qu'il a entendu d'une autre personne qui a assist¨¦ ¨¤ la cour" et que l'article 4.1 de ST / AI / 2017/1 "ne s'applique pas ¨¤ une personne qui simplement Entend une seconde main sur un cas d'inconduite, car une grande partie de ce qu'une telle personne a ¨¤ signaler serait le ou?-dire et peut-¨ºtre trompeur et d¨¦pourvue du type de d¨¦tail que la r¨¨gle cherche ¨¤ susciter du membre du personnel ?...

2022-UNAT-1280, AAA

AAA appealed and the Secretary-General cross-appealed. The UNAT disagreed with the UNDT¡¯s position that AAA could not be required to report a rape allegation ¡°which he heard from another person who attended court¡± and that Section 4.1 of  ST/AI/2017/1 ¡°does not apply to an individual who merely hears second-hand about a case of misconduct since much of what such a person has to report would be hearsay and possibly misleading and devoid of the kind of detail the rule is seeking to elicit from the staff member¡±. This approach erroneously imposes a requirement that the staff member must have a...

2022-UNAT-1260, Jules Yatte Beda

Unat a jug¨¦ que l'appelant a simplement r¨¦p¨¦t¨¦ les arguments soulev¨¦s devant undt concernant la preuve. Unat a accept¨¦ la conclusion de UND selon laquelle il y avait des preuves claires et convaincantes pour ¨¦tablir les faits sous-jacents aux all¨¦gations d'inconduite. Unat a jug¨¦ que UNT a appliqu¨¦ la norme juridique appropri¨¦e, ¨¤ savoir des preuves claires et convaincantes. Unat a jug¨¦ que Undt a entendu la preuve du plaignant, d'autres t¨¦moins mat¨¦riels, a ¨¦valu¨¦ la cr¨¦dibilit¨¦ et la fiabilit¨¦ du t¨¦moignage sous serment devant lui, a d¨¦termin¨¦ les faits probables et a ensuite rendu une...

2022-UNAT-1260, Jules Yatte Beda

Mr. Beda appealed.  As a preliminary matter, UNAT dismissed Mr. Beda's motion seeking leave to file a rejoinder on grounds that there was no probative value to the rejoinder Mr. Beda sought to file, and there was nothing new in the Administration's answer that would require him to have an opportunity to provide a rebuttal or rejoinder. Turning to the merits, UNAT found that the UNDT had applied the correct legal standard in its Judgment - whether the facts had been established by clear and convincing evidence - and properly assessed the evidence and credibility of witness testimony, making the...