
Juge Bravo

Juge Bravo

Showing 21 - 40 of 310

UNDT/2023/009, RECHDAN

La l¨¦galit¨¦ de la d¨¦cision contest¨¦e

L'Administration a-t-elle correctement exerc¨¦ son pouvoir discr¨¦tionnaire en n'accordant pas au requ¨¦rant des modalit¨¦s de t¨¦l¨¦travail ?

Le devoir de diligence de l¡¯Organisation envers le personnel pendant la pand¨¦mie de COVID-19

Depuis mars 2020, lorsque l'OMS a d¨¦clar¨¦ la COVID-19 pand¨¦mie mondiale, l'Organisation a veill¨¦ ¨¤ ce que toutes les mesures n¨¦cessaires soient en place pour garantir la s¨¦curit¨¦ et la sant¨¦ de l'ensemble du personnel des Nations Unies dans l'exercice des fonctions et responsabilit¨¦s qui leur sont confi¨¦es.

La nature des...

UNDT/2023/009, RECHDAN

Whether the contested decision is lawful

Whether the Administration properly exercised its discretion in not granting the Applicant telecommuting arrangements

The Organization¡¯s duty of care towards staff during the COVID-19 pandemic

Since March 2020, when WHO declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic, the Organization has ensured that all necessary measures are in place to support the safety and health of all UN personnel when carrying out the functions and responsibilities entrusted to them.

The nature of the Applicant¡¯s functions may require her on-site presence, as evidenced by...

UNDT/2023/008, Piazzi

Que le requ¨¦rant ait le droit de retourner une feuille d'information sur les ressources humaines, publi¨¦e pour les utilisateurs d'Umoja, pr¨¦voit qu'¨¤ la fin d'une p¨¦riode de pr¨ºt, le membre du personnel concern¨¦ devrait retourner au Secr¨¦tariat ¨¤ moins qu'il ne d¨¦missionne de son poste de secr¨¦tariat ¨¤ transfert ¨¤ l'organisation r¨¦ceptrice. Une telle pratique a ¨¦t¨¦ clairement confirm¨¦e par le Tribunal d'appel ¨¤ Iskandar (voir Iskandar 2012-UNAT-248). En cons¨¦quence, bien que le privil¨¨ge du requ¨¦rant sur son ancien poste ait ¨¦t¨¦ rendu conform¨¦ment ¨¤ la d¨¦cision de l'administration du 9...

UNDT/2023/008, Piazzi

Whether the Applicant had a right of return A Human Resources Factsheet, issued for Umoja users, provides that at the end of a loan period, the staff member concerned is expected to return to the Secretariat unless he/she resigns his/her Secretariat position to transfer to the receiving organization. Such practice has been clearly confirmed by the Appeals Tribunal in Iskandar (see Iskandar 2012-UNAT-248). Accordingly, while the Applicant¡¯s lien on his former post may have been surrendered in accordance with the Administration¡¯s decision of 9 September 2009, he retained a return right to OCHA...

La nature sensible des all¨¦gations de harc¨¨lement sexuel et le fait que la victime puisse ¨ºtre facilement identifi¨¦e par les circonstances factuelles entourant l'affaire constituent des circonstances exceptionnelles qui justifient l'octroi de l'anonymat.
L'expos¨¦ des faits par le plaignant en ce qui concerne les incidents pertinents est cr¨¦dible et fiable. Le requ¨¦rant n'a produit aucun ¨¦l¨¦ment de preuve susceptible d'¨¦branler la cr¨¦dibilit¨¦ du t¨¦moignage du plaignant. Il n'y a pas de preuve d'arri¨¨re-pens¨¦es de la part du plaignant.
L'Administration a r¨¦ussi ¨¤ s'acquitter de la charge de la...

The sensitive nature of the sexual harassment allegations and the fact that the victim may be easily identified by the factual circumstances surrounding the case constitute exceptional circumstances that warrant granting anonymity.

The Complainant¡¯s account of facts in relation to the relevant incidents is credible and reliable. The Applicant failed to adduce any evidence that could have undermined the credibility of the Complainant¡¯s evidence. There is no evidence of ulterior motives on the part of the Complainant.

The Administration succeeded in discharging its burden of proof to show that...

La d¨¦cision attaqu¨¦e a eu un impact sur les conditions d'engagement ou le contrat de travail du requ¨¦rant. Elle a eu un impact n¨¦gatif sur la situation juridique du requ¨¦rant vis-¨¤-vis de son employeur et sur sa capacit¨¦ ¨¤ planifier correctement sa vie professionnelle. Elle a ¨¦galement modifi¨¦ le motif de la cessation de service du requ¨¦rant, qui est pass¨¦ d'une r¨¦siliation de contrat pour cause de suppression de poste ¨¤ un non-renouvellement. Par cons¨¦quent, le recours est recevable ratione materiae.
Il n'existe aucune preuve confirmant les pr¨¦tendus besoins op¨¦rationnels justifiant la...

UNDT/2022/134, Rixen

The contested decision impacted the Applicant¡¯s terms of appointment or contract of employment. It had a negative impact on the Applicant¡¯s legal situation vis-¨¤-vis his employer and on his ability to properly plan his professional life. It also altered the reason for the Applicant¡¯s separation from service from termination of contract due to abolishment of post to non-renewal. Consequently, the application is receivable ratione materiae.

There is no evidence confirming the alleged operational needs justifying the contested decision to keep the Applicant beyond 31 May 2021. There is enough...

Sur l'anonymisation, l'article 11.6 du statut du tribunal pr¨¦voit dans sa partie pertinente que ses jugements seront publi¨¦s tout en prot¨¦geant les donn¨¦es personnelles. Une disposition similaire est contenue dans l'art. 26.2 des r¨¨gles de proc¨¦dure du tribunal. ?tant donn¨¦ que la pr¨¦sente affaire repose sur des preuves m¨¦dicales pour ¨¦tayer une demande de pr¨¦judice moral, le Tribunal conclut qu'il est raisonnable de expliquer le nom du demandeur ¨¤ partir de ce jugement. Sur les avantages bas¨¦s sur les preuves enregistr¨¦es, le tribunal a conclu ce qui suit. Premi¨¨rement, le tribunal a constat¨¦...

On anonymization Article 11.6 of the Tribunal¡¯s Statute provides in its relevant part that its judgments shall be published while protecting personal data. A similar provision is contained in art. 26.2 of the Tribunal¡¯s Rules of Procedure. Given that the present case relies on medical evidence to support a claim for moral harm, the Tribunal finds that it is reasonable to redact the Applicant¡¯s name from this judgment. On the merits Based on the evidence on record, the Tribunal concluded the following. First, the Tribunal found that the two charges against the Applicant were established as per...

Proc¨¦dure de proc¨¦dure: anonymat dans le cas pr¨¦sent, les informations sensibles concernant les ant¨¦c¨¦dents m¨¦dicaux du demandeur et son ¨¦tat de sant¨¦ mentale constitue des circonstances exceptionnelles qui garantissent l'octroi d'anonymat. Par cons¨¦quent, le nom du demandeur est anonymis¨¦ dans le pr¨¦sent jugement. Scope of Judicial Review Il est dans la comp¨¦tence du Tribunal de tenir une audience ou de regarder des faits qui n'¨¦taient pas devant le d¨¦cideur pour d¨¦terminer si les facteurs pertinents ont ¨¦t¨¦ ignor¨¦s. Ceci est fondamentalement diff¨¦rent d'une enqu¨ºte de novo sur les faits sous...

Procedural issue: anonymity In the present case, the sensitive information regarding the Applicant¡¯s medical history and his mental health status constitutes exceptional circumstances that warrant granting anonymity. Therefore, the Applicant¡¯s name is anonymized in the present judgment. Scope of judicial review It is within the Tribunal¡¯s competence to hold a hearing or look at facts that were allegedly not before the decision-maker to determine whether relevant factors have been ignored. This is fundamentally different from a de novo investigation into the facts underlying the disciplinary...

La raison sous-jacente derri¨¨re le requ¨¦rant que l'ALE n'est pas renouvel¨¦e ¨¦tait le fait qu'il ne pouvait pas obtenir de visa pour rejoindre son poste. Dans l'affaire ¨¤ accomplir, le requ¨¦rant n'a pas ¨¦t¨¦ en mesure de d¨¦montrer que la d¨¦cision de ne pas renouveler son ALE au-del¨¤ de sa date d'expiration ¨¦tait ill¨¦gale, arbitraire ou entach¨¦e par des ultiges. Selon le cadre juridique, un ALE ne porte aucune esp¨¦rance, l¨¦gale ou autre, de renouvellement, et doit expirer automatiquement et sans pr¨¦avis ¨¤ la date d'expiration sp¨¦cifi¨¦e dans la lettre de nomination. En outre, l'obtention d'un visa...

The underlying reason behind the Applicant¡¯s FTA not being renewed was the fact that he could not obtain a visa to join his duty station.  In the case at hand, the Applicant was not able to demonstrate that the decision not to renew his FTA beyond its expiration date was illegal, arbitrary or tainted by ulterior motives. As per the legal framework, an FTA does not carry any expectancy, legal or otherwise, of renewal, and shall expire automatically and without prior notice on the expiration date specified in the letter of appointment. In addition, obtaining a visa was, indeed, a condition sine...

Le demandeur conteste sa non-s¨¦lection et qu'il ne convient pas au poste annonc¨¦ en vertu de Jo 18186. Il a identifi¨¦ comme la d¨¦cision contest¨¦e La r¨¦ponse de l'unit¨¦ d'¨¦valuation de la gestion dat¨¦e du 24 mars 2021. Cependant, une r¨¦ponse d'¨¦valuation de la gestion n'est pas une d¨¦cision administrative judicialement r¨¦visable. En cons¨¦quence, la demande n'est pas ¨¤ recevoir ratione materiae. Nonobstant ce qui pr¨¦c¨¨de, le tribunal rappelle qu'il rel¨¨ve de sa comp¨¦tence ?pour individualiser et d¨¦finir la d¨¦cision administrative con?ue par une partie et identifier ce qui est en fait contest¨¦ et...

The Applicant contests his non-selection and being found not suitable for the position advertised under JO 18186. He identified as the contested decision the Management Evaluation Unit's response dated 24 March 2021. However, a management evaluation response is not a judicially reviewable administrative decision. Accordingly, the application is not receivable ratione materiae. The above notwithstanding, the Tribunal recalls that it falls under its competence ¡°to individualize and define the administrative decision impugned by a party and identify what is in fact being contested and so, subject...

Le Tribunal a examin¨¦ la demande et l'a trouv¨¦ non ¨¤ recevoir. Le demandeur a indiqu¨¦ dans sa demande que bien qu'on lui ait initialement propos¨¦ une indemnit¨¦ de s¨¦paration de 12 mois de salaire net de base, ce montant a ensuite ¨¦t¨¦ r¨¦duit ¨¤ trois mois de salaire de base net dans un accord de s¨¦paration dat¨¦ du 16 mars 2021. Selon les informations enregistr¨¦es , le chef des ressources humaines du Pakistan Country Office, a inform¨¦ verbalement le demandeur de la d¨¦cision contest¨¦e le 11 mars 2021. Par cons¨¦quent, conform¨¦ment ¨¤ la r¨¨gle 11.2 (c), le demandeur avait jusqu'au 10 mai 2021 pour...

The Tribunal reviewed the application and found it not receivable. The Applicant indicated in his application that while he was initially offered a separation indemnity of 12 months¡¯ net base salary, this amount was later reduced to three months¡¯ net base salary in a separation agreement dated 16 March 2021. According to the information on record, the Chief Human Resources Office, Pakistan Country Office, verbally informed the Applicant of the contested decision on 11 March 2021. Therefore, as per staff rule 11.2 (c), the Applicant had until 10 May 2021 to request management evaluation. Even...

Il n'y a aucune preuve de collusion ou de partialit¨¦ ¨¤ l'encontre du requ¨¦rant. Au contraire, plusieurs t¨¦moignages concordants ont corrobor¨¦ les d¨¦clarations des plaignants et confirm¨¦ les all¨¦gations d'intimidation et de harc¨¨lement ¨¤ l'encontre du requ¨¦rant. Le requ¨¦rant n'a pas r¨¦ussi ¨¤ ¨¦tayer ses arguments contre la plainte et les plaignants. Les faits sont ¨¦tablis par une pr¨¦pond¨¦rance de preuves et constituent une faute.
Compte tenu de la nature des faits reproch¨¦s au requ¨¦rant, il n'est pas d¨¦raisonnable qu'il soit oblig¨¦ de suivre une formation obligatoire pour am¨¦liorer son style de...

There is no evidence of collusion or bias against the Applicant. On the contrary, several congruent testimonies corroborated the complainants¡¯ statements and confirmed the allegations of bullying and harassment against the Applicant. The Applicant failed to substantiate his arguments against the complaint and the complainants. The facts are established by a preponderance of evidence and constitute misconduct.
Bearing in mind the nature of the facts attributed to the Applicant, it is not unreasonable that he be obliged to attend mandatory training to improve his managerial and communication¡¯s...