UNDT/2021/003, Cherneva
The Tribunal rejected the application as not receivable on two grounds: 1) Ratione personae because at the date of the filing of the present application the Applicant was not a staff member and the contested decision has no bearing on her status as a former staff member or otherwise breached the terms of her former appointment or contract of employment, and 2) Because it is premature since at the time of the filing of the application, the relevant response period for the management evaluation was still running.
The Applicant contests the decision not to select her as “UN Special Rapporteur [for] [F]reedom of [O]pinion and [E]xpression in 2020”.
A former staff member of the Organization has access to the Dispute Tribunal only in respect of an administrative decision affecting the terms of his or her former appointment or contract.