UNDT/2020/031, Teklie
The Tribunal held that the Applicant’s allegations were unsubstantiated and therefore, found no basis to impugn the contested decision. As a result, the application was dismissed in its entirety.
The Applicant contested a decision by the director of her division to transfer her back to her old section where the section head was a staff against whom she had previously filed a complaint for prohibited misconduct. The director also made D her First Reporting Officer but decided to appoint N as her Second Reporting Officer instead of himself.
According to staff regulation 1.2(c ), staff members are subject to the authority of the Secretary-General and to assignment by him or her to any of the activities of the United Nations. As per the settled jurisprudence, the reassignment of a staff member’s functions comes within the broad discretion of the Organization to use its resources and personnel as it deems appropriate.