UNDT/2017/077, Buckley
The Tribunal found that several of the Applicant’s claims were not receivable, granted his claim for assignment grant in part, and rejected his claims for security evacuation allowance; post adjustment; and compensation for financial hardship.
The Applicant, a Chief Supply Chain Management at the D-1 level, step 2, with the United Nations Organization Multidimensional Stabilization Mission in the Central Africa (“MINUSCA”), contests, inter alia, the Administration’s decision “not to recognize, implement and pay entitlements, following the evacuation of staff and the abandonment of Camp Faouar (Almet Al Faouar), Syria (the Headquarters of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, [“UNDOF”]) on 15 September 2015”.
UNDT not review the management evaluation response but the underlying decision: The outcome of the management evaluation review, its considerations and/or the staff member’s interpretations, views or critics in relation to it are not administrative decisions subject to legal review by the Dispute Tribunal.Security evacuation allowance: A security evacuation allowance, pursuant to the SPM in Chapter VI, sec. A, para. 8, is only to paid to staff members who are evacuated and not to those who are relocated.Assignment grant, on a prorated basis: An assignment grant consists of two elements: a daily subsistence allowance (“DSA”) and a lump-sum portion. A staff member is entitled to receive lump-sum portion even if his or her assignment is less than one year to this duty station on a prorated basis in accordance with sec. 6.2 of of ST/AI/2012/1Post adjustment: If relocated, a staff member is not entitled to more in post adjustment than the highest rate of the two duty stations.