UNDT/2015/074, Sanchez Calero
The Tribunal found that the application was not receivable because the Applicant did not have standing to bring a claim in accordance with arts. 2 and 3 of the Statute of the Dispute Tribunal. The application was struck out as manifestly inadmissible.
The Applicant, a former service contractor with UNDP, contested the following decisions: (i) refusal to provide a certification of service upon the conclusion of her functions; (ii) withholding of her last salary payment; (iii) the placement of a Note to the File in her personnel file; and (iv) refusal to allow her to view her personnel file and the Note to the File.
For an applicant to have standing to appear before the Tribunal, he or she must be a staff member, former staff member, or someone making claims on behalf of an incapacitated or deceased staff member.Demonstrating concern for the wellbeing of those who work within the Organization, regardless of their contractual status, is entirely consistent with the Organization’s ethos and values. Any issue of substance raised in this application that may merit proper consideration is a matter for the UNDP Administration and not this Tribunal.