UNDT/2012/090, Al-Alamy
The UNDT found that the non-renewal appeared to be based on a mission-wide retrenchment exercise and that it appeared that the Applicant served in an occupational group and against a functional title impacted by the downsizing of MINUSTAH. The UNDT found that there was no evidence before it to indicate that the panel responsible for carrying out a comparative review of the affected staff members erred in applying the agreed evaluation criteria when assessing the Applicant and other staff members in the related category.Outcome: The application for suspension of action was rejected.
The Applicant, a staff member with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (“MINUSTAH”), submitted an application for suspension of action, pending management evaluation, of the decision not to renew her fixed-term appointment beyond its expiration date of 30 June 2012.
Prima facie unlawfulness: For the prima facie unlawfulness test to be satisfied, it is enough for an applicant to present a fairly arguable case that the contested decision is unlawful.