UNDT/2010/168, Mugendi
In UNDT Judgment No. 037, Sethia (2010), the Tribunal set out the applicable law in determining whether the time limits imposed by the Statute of the Dispute Tribunal will be waived. In the present case, having considered the applicant’s submissions, the Tribunal finds that they do not satisfy the requirement of “exceptional” in Article 8.3 of the Statute of the Dispute Tribunal. The applicant did not abide by the time limits for filing his application with the JAB and subsequently, in his appeal against the JAB’s findings, he also failed to abide by the time limits for filing his application with the former UN Administrative Tribunal. It is obvious that the applicant is not serious or diligent in pursuing his claims and this absence of diligence does not amount to exceptional circumstances.
The issue for determination in this Application is whether or not the Application dated 30 April 2009 against the decision not to renew his fixed-term appointment is time barred.