
Judge Buffa

Judge Buffa

Showing 41 - 60 of 170

Conform¨¦ment au cadre juridique applicable, la MANUI et le KJSO, comme les autres organes des Nations unies, utilisent de mani¨¨re coh¨¦rente et uniforme l'UNORE pour toutes les conversions en monnaie locale, qu'il s'agisse de transactions, de la d¨¦termination des droits du personnel ou d'autres enregistrements financiers.

ST/SGB/2019/2 (D¨¦l¨¦gation d'autorit¨¦ dans l'administration du Statut et du R¨¨glement du personnel et du R¨¨glement financier et des r¨¨gles de gestion financi¨¨re), n'autorisent pas la d¨¦l¨¦gation d'autorit¨¦ en ce qui concerne les "fluctuations des taux de change". La MANUI et...

Under the applicable legal framework, UNAMI and KJSO, like other United Nations organs, consistently and uniformly use the UNORE in all conversions to local currency, whether they involve transactions, determination of staff entitlements, or other financial recordings.

ST/SGB/2019/2 (Delegation of authority in the administration of the Staff Regulations and Rules and the Financial Regulations and Rules), do not allow for delegated authority in respect of ¡°exchange rate fluctuations¡±. UNAMI and KJSO therefore had no authority to overrule the said provision or to apply a different rate than the...

UNDT/2023/060, Millan

Le requ¨¦rant a ¨¦t¨¦ inculp¨¦ de deux chefs d'accusation diff¨¦rents :

a.       Permettre ¨¤ une femme ("F01"), qui n'¨¦tait pas membre du personnel des Nations Unies et qui n'avait pas re?u d'autorisation pr¨¦alable de transport des Nations Unies, d'¨ºtre transport¨¦e dans le v¨¦hicule, permettant le comportement de M. Antoine, le passager arri¨¨re du v¨¦hicule des Nations Unies, qui a serr¨¦ F01 contre son corps alors qu'elle ¨¦tait assise sur lui et qu'elle tournait de mani¨¨re sexuellement suggestive, alors que M. Antoine tenait F01 avec sa main sur sa fesse et qu'il rapprochait sa partie g¨¦nitale de...

UNDT/2023/060, Millan


The Applicant was charged with two different counts of accusations:

a.       Permitting a female individual (¡°F01¡±), who was not a United Nations personnel and who did not receive prior authorization for United Nations transport, to be transported in the vehicle, enabling the behaviour of Mr. Antoine, the rear passenger of the United Nations vehicle, who held F01 closely to his body while she was seated on top of him and gyrating in a sexually suggestive manner, while Mr. Antoine held F01 with his hand on her buttock and while he pulled her genital area closer to his crotch. These events...


Le requ¨¦rant a ¨¦t¨¦ inculp¨¦ de deux chefs d'accusation diff¨¦rents :

a. pour avoir, le 21 mai 2020, alors qu'il se trouvait ¨¤ bord d'un v¨¦hicule des Nations Unies bien visible depuis une rue publique de Tel Aviv (Isra?l), serr¨¦ une femme contre son corps alors qu'elle ¨¦tait assise sur ses genoux, face ¨¤ lui, et qu'elle tournait de mani¨¨re sexuellement suggestive ; ces ¨¦v¨¦nements ont ¨¦t¨¦ film¨¦s dans un clip vid¨¦o de 18 secondes, qui a ¨¦t¨¦ largement diffus¨¦, jetant le discr¨¦dit sur l'Organisation (premier chef d'inculpation) ;

b. pour ne pas avoir coop¨¦r¨¦ avec les enqu¨ºtes du BSCI en refusant...

The Applicant was charged with two different counts of accusations:

a. for having, on 21 May 2020, while in a United Nations vehicle clearly visible from a public street in Tel Aviv, Israel, held a female individual closely to his body while she was seated on his lap facing him and gyrating in a sexually suggestive manner; these events were captured in an 18-second video-clip, which was widely disseminated, bringing the Organization into disrepute (count one);

b. for failure to cooperate with the OIOS investigations by refusing to provide OIOS with the contact details of a material witness...

UNDT/2023/058, Hoxha

Le droit du requ¨¦rant ¨¤ un niveau correct de classification du poste et ¨¤ un niveau ¨¦quitable de r¨¦mun¨¦ration d¨¦coule des fonctions effectives exerc¨¦es au cours des ann¨¦es, toujours les m¨ºmes au moins ¨¤ partir de 2018, fonctions qui - selon l'aveu de l'Administration elle-m¨ºme - correspondent au niveau FS-5.

Le requ¨¦rant a droit ¨¤ une indemnit¨¦ calcul¨¦e comme la diff¨¦rence de salaire, indemnit¨¦s et autres droits entre le niveau FS-5 et le niveau FS-4, pour la p¨¦riode allant de novembre 2018 ¨¤ septembre 2022, plus les int¨¦r¨ºts au taux correspondant au taux d'inflation, y compris l...

UNDT/2023/058, Hoxha

The right of the Applicant to a correct level of classification of the post and a fair level of pay derives from the effective functions performed in the years, always the same at least from 2018, functions which - according to the acknowledgement of the Administration itself - correspond to the FS-5 level.

The Applicant is entitled to a compensation calculated as the difference in salary, allowances, and other entitlements between the FS-5 level and the FS-4 level, for the period November 2018 to September 2022, plus interest at the rate correspondent to the rate of inflation, including the...

Le Tribunal a ¨¦tabli, sur la base des preuves au dossier, que la facture et le rapport m¨¦dical que le requ¨¦rant a soumis ¨¤ Cigna n'¨¦taient pas authentiques. Le Tribunal a estim¨¦ que cela suffisait ¨¤ ¨¦tayer l'accusation selon laquelle le requ¨¦rant avait utilis¨¦ de faux documents pour recevoir des avantages ¨¦conomiques indus de la part de Cigna. Le Tribunal a ¨¦galement conclu qu'aucune preuve de l'efficacit¨¦ du traitement m¨¦dical n'avait ¨¦t¨¦ apport¨¦e. Le Tribunal a donc conclu qu'il existait des preuves claires et convaincantes que le requ¨¦rant avait commis une faute en soumettant une demande...

The Tribunal, based on the evidence on the record established that the invoice and the medical report that the Applicant submitted to Cigna were not authentic. The Tribunal held that this was enough to substantiate the accusation that the Applicant used false documents to receive improper and undue economic benefits from Cigna. The Tribunal further concluded that no evidence was offered of the effectiveness of the medical treatment. The Tribunal, therefore, concluded that there was clear and convincing evidence that the Applicant engaged in misconduct through his submission of a fraudulent...

Les all¨¦gations de la plainte du demandeur [sont tomb¨¦es dans le domaine des d¨¦saccords sur le lieu de travail concernant l'exercice normal de l'autorit¨¦ de gestion. La section 1.1 de ST / SGB / 2019/8 stipule que ?[D] isagrement sur la performance du travail ou sur d'autres questions li¨¦es au travail n'est normalement pas consid¨¦r¨¦e Gestion des performances ?. La conclusion du responsable responsable selon lequel il ¨¦tait peu probable qu'une enqu¨ºte r¨¦v¨¨le des preuves suffisantes pour poursuivre davantage la question en tant que cas disciplinaire (l'article 5.5 (c) de ST / AI / 2017/1) n...

UNDT/2022/111, Soares

The allegations in the Applicant¡¯s complaint squarely [fell] in the realm of workplace disagreements about the normal exercise of managerial authority. Section 1.1 of ST/SGB/2019/8 states that ¡°[d]isagreement on work performance or on other work-related issues is normally not considered prohibited conduct and is not dealt with under the provisions of the present bulletin but in the context of performance management¡±. The responsible official¡¯s conclusion that it was unlikely that an investigation would reveal sufficient evidence to further pursue the matter as a disciplinary case (section 5.5...

Le tribunal a rappel¨¦ ses observations dans Fultang UNDT / 2022/102 d¨¦pos¨¦es par ce demandeur. La mesure est fournie dans l'int¨¦r¨ºt de l'organisation; et ¨¦tait pleinement justifi¨¦ par la n¨¦cessit¨¦ de pr¨¦server les preuves et d'¨¦viter le risque de r¨¦p¨¦tition ou de continuation d'actes similaires similaires ¨¤ ceux dont le demandeur a ¨¦t¨¦ accus¨¦.

UNDT/2022/110, Fultang

The Tribunal recalled its observations in Fultang UNDT/2022/102 filed by this Applicant. The measure is provided in the interest of the Organization; and was fully justified by the need to preserve evidence and to avoid the risk of repetition or continuation of further acts similar to those the Applicant was accused of.

Le fait que le demandeur ait accept¨¦ un poste de niveau inf¨¦rieur n'a pas rendu sa demande. L'administration n'a pas rempli son obligation d'offrir des postes disponibles au m¨ºme niveau de la publication abolie. Le demandeur a subi et continue de maintenir une perte de salaire pertinente parce que l'administration n'a pas fait de bonne foi pour le placer dans l'une des positions auxquelles il a postul¨¦ au niveau P-5, des postes pour lesquels il ¨¦tait d?ment qualifi¨¦. L'administration n'a pas non plus respect¨¦ son obligation de r¨¦affecter le demandeur en mati¨¨re ou en priorit¨¦ ¨¤ un autre post...

The fact that the Applicant accepted a lower level post did not make his application moot. The Administration failed to fulfil its obligation to offer available positions at the same level of the abolished post. The Applicant sustained and continues to sustain a relevant loss of salary because the Administration failed to make good faith efforts to place him in one of the positions that he applied to at the P-5 level, positions for which he was duly qualified. The Administration also failed to meet its obligation to reassign the Applicant as a matter or priority to another post matching his...

Le tribunal a constat¨¦ que la sanction dans cette affaire n'avait aucun lien rationnel ou relation appropri¨¦e avec les preuves au dossier et le but d'une discipline progressiste ou corrective. Les messages du demandeur ¨¦taient principalement r¨¦actionnaires, et il a montr¨¦ un grand p?t¨¦ en ne r¨¦pondant pas au ton du plaignant. Le demandeur a ¨¦t¨¦ provoqu¨¦. Le demandeur n'a identifi¨¦ aucune situation particuli¨¨re qui justifierait l'anonymisation de cette question, en dehors de l'embarras et de l'inconfort personnels potentiels, qui n'¨¦taient pas des motifs suffisants pour accorder l'anonymat.