
Biographical Notes

Imran Vanker - Chair

Mr. Imran Vanker is a public member of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and the Director of Standards at the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA) in South Africa. The IRBA is the independent audit regulator and standard setter in South Africa. Mr. Vanker is a global expert in financial reporting, auditing standards and ethics, governance of international institutions, and emerging forms of corporate reporting. In joining the IAAC, he is inspired by the role the United Nations played in the struggle for freedom in South Africa and today, by the actions the United Nations takes to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Among his global roles, Mr. Vanker has served as Chairman of the Independent Audit Committee of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and was previously Director of External Audit at the United Nations Board of Auditors (BOA) in New York from 2006 to 2010, during the United Nations adoption and transition to International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). Within South Africa, he served as a National Leader and member of the executive team at the Auditor General South Africa (AGSA), a Provincial Auditor General of Gauteng Province, during the implementation of municipal finance legislation, and as a partner in the assurance practice of KPMG.

Mr. Vanker has served variously as Chairman and member of the Audit Operations Committee of the United Nations Board of Auditors and the Technical Group of the Panel of External Auditors of the United Nations System. He has represented the AGSA on several International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions committees, including Chairman of the Task Group on Financial Foresight. He has also been a member of the standard setting committee of the IRBA since 2011 and for the past 15 years has served on committees of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountant.

Mr. Vanker’s experience includes providing advice on audit, assurance, internal control and governance matters to expert committees of the United Nations General Assembly, its Funds and Programmes, the National Parliament of South Africa, and private and public sector audit committees.

Mr. Vanker is a South African Chartered Accountant (CA [SA]), a Registered Auditor (RA), and holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree from the University of Kwazulu Natal. His passions when not working are his family, bird watching and fitness.