
Remarks at The Organizational Session of The Preparatory Committee for The Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development


Distinguished Delegates,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is an honour to be here at the organizational session of the Preparatory Committee for the fourth international conference on financing for development.  

Today's session is critical as it marks the official launch of the Preparatory Committee’s work.  

The high level of interest in the work of the Committee, as indicated by the many nominations for the Bureau is truly encouraging.   Moreover, it reflects the urgency of the task ahead of you in reaching new commitments and agreements on financing for development to ensure the means of implementation for the 2030 Agenda and beyond.    

Nearly 10 years after the adoption of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, and more than 20 years after the first financing for development Conference in Monterrey, there is growing recognition that financing challenges are a central cause of weak SDG progress, amid the confluence of crises and shocks of recent years.  While progress has been made across all areas, actions have not kept pace with the growing challenges, and many of its commitments remain unmet.  

We have also seen the rapidly shifting global macroeconomic and financing landscape, digitalization and disruptive technological change, and growing systemic risks, especially related to climate change, pandemics and conflicts.   Reviewing the framework for financing sustainable development has never been more urgent.  Both domestic and international actions must be undertaken to make development financing fit for purpose in this new and challenging environment.  

The objective of the Conference is to assess the progress made in the implementation of previous financing for development Conference outcomes, address new and emerging issues, and support reform of the international financial architecture, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 78/231.  It is aligned with the numerous calls of the UN Secretary-General on international financial architecture reform.   

The Conference will be a key opportunity to agree on new initiatives and critical reforms to the international financial architecture in a revitalized global framework for financing for sustainable development.


The important decisions made today at this organizational session will guide the rest of the preparatory process, all the way to the Conference in 2025.  Working together with a view towards achieving an outcome that benefits all Member States, especially developing countries is fundamental.   

In collaboration with the UN system, DESA stands ready to support and work closely with the Preparatory Committee and its officers to ensure the Conference delivers concrete results for all. 

I look forward to today’s deliberations and perspectives on preparations for a successful Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development.  

Thank you.


File date: 
Thursday, Février 22, 2024

Mr. Junhua Li