Side Events
A rich programme of 182 side events complemented the official agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development. The side events were an integral part of the Conference and provided additional space for all stakeholders and participants to discuss substantive matters in greater detail and to announce new initiatives and commitments.
Initially, more than 200 side event proposals were received. Based on an extensive effort and close cooperation with the Ethiopian Government and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the Financing for Development Office of UN-DESA compiled a comprehensive programme of side events and informed organisers in a timely manner about the allocated slots. For more than 80% of the proposals, the organisers’ first time slot preference could be accommodated.
Side events were organised by Member States, intergovernmental organisations, UN specialised agencies and regional commissions, civil society organisations, the business sector and philanthropic organisations. In many cases, events were organised jointly by multiple entities, allowing for a representation of diverse perspectives and supporting the inclusive approach of the Conference.
The majority of side events were held in hotels in walking distance to the Conference centre. Shuttle services between the hotels and the Conference provided by the Ethiopian Government, in cooperation with the UN Transportation Unit, allowed for quick and sheltered transition between the venues. A limited number of flagship side events with high-level participation were hosted in the historic Africa Hall on ECA premises. Side events in all time slots and locations were generally very well attended, with many events exhausting the capacity limits of their venues.
Thematic focus
Side events covered a broad range of topics closely linked to the Financing for Development process and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. Out of the total of 182 events, 24 addressed issues related to domestic resource mobilisation, 18 concentrated on private business and finance, and 16 centered on women and children. More than 10 side events focused on each of the following areas: climate and environment finance, food and water, infrastructure, health, and international development cooperation. Multiple events also discussed issues in the fields of agriculture, energy, science and technology, and urbanisation.
New commitments and initiatives
Click here for a comprehensive list of initiatives announced during the Conference at the national, regional and global level: View Voluntary Commitments & Initiatives
Programme of Side Events
The programme of side events may be viewed online, or you may also download the list in PDF format.