Strengthening Follow-up and Accountability: What Options for FFD’s Future?
Organised by
Addis Ababa CSO Coordinating Group and Women’s Working Group on FFD
- Society for International Development
- Beyond-2015
- Bread for the World
- Christian Aid
- ACT Alliance
- International Budget Partnership
The Addis Ababa International Conference on Financing for Development will provide an agreement and follow up mechanism for the Monterrey Consensus and Doha Declaration. The measure of the commitment of states to orient the financial system and related components within the trade and monetary system to sustainable development and the human rights agenda will be gauged by the strength of the follow-up process.
At the same time it is essential that follow-up of the Addis Ababa outcome document clarifies its role and interaction vis-Ã -vis the Monitoring, Accountability and Review o f the Post-2015 framework and Sustainable Development Goals at the local, national, regional and global level, including in relation to the Means of Implementation.
The side-event will discuss the lessons from the current FFD follow-up mechanisms. It will consider how to effectively advance normative discussions on FFD and ensure that the Addis Ababa outcome supports SDG implementation through monitoring, accountability and review from the global to the local level. The design, representation and resourcing of the mechanisms will also discussed. It also aims to examine that gaps that may remain to Financing for Development follow-up after Addis Ababa and how best to address them
Related Information
For inquiries regarding this side event, please contact
- Leila Arnold,, +3222824071