Expanding the Frontier: Mobilizing Local and Inclusive Finance for Development
Organised by
United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), Government of Benin and Government of Ethiopia
This side-event – co-organized by UNCDF and the Governments of Benin and Ethiopia – will identify concrete models of using ODA to mobilize domestic resources that promote local and inclusive finance, and specific actions to scale up those models. The Davos-style moderated panel will bring together senior representatives from Member States, the UN, the private sector, banks, and financial regulatory authorities.
The side event will discuss how ODA can be a critical stage-setter to leverage additional funds and to mobilize domestic savings and capital for local investment, so as to promote inclusive growth. This will include a focus on de-risking the local investment space and proving concept to tap into the economic potential of often overlooked population groups, enterprises and localities.
Related Information
For inquiries regarding this side event, please contact
- Simona Santoro, simona.santoro@uncdf.org, +12129066964
- Darah Aljoudar, darah.aljoudar@uncdf.org, +12129065381