Organised by
- The International Road Transport Union (IRU)
- The United Nations Global Compact
- The Global Partnership for Sustainable Transport (GPST)
This Thematic Panel presents the Global Partnership for Sustainable Transport (GPST) to international transport stakeholders and international financial institutions in particular, to illustrate how multi-stakeholder initiatives can contribute to the implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The GPST, created by the International Road Transport Union (IRU) and the UN Global Compact in November 2015, is a business and industry-led, multi-modal, strategic and action-oriented multi-stakeholder platform that promotes the sustainable transport agenda.
The GPST brings together operators from the air, maritime, rail and road transport sectors, and other global sustainable transport stakeholders from manufacturing, logistics and infrastructure to cooperate at the global level to formulate solutions for the transport problems affecting global supply chains. However, the overarching goal of the GPST is to serve as a proactive global partner to cooperate with governmental bodies, international organisations and financial institutions to contribute to the implementation of decisions of the UN Secretary General’s High-Level Advisory Group on Sustainable Transport (HLAG) and the SDGs, generally in order to achieve the goals of the transformative Post 2015 Development agenda. The GPST will also lead in the dissemination of best practices in sustainable transport in order to ensure strong visibility and sustainable impact of its work.
Related Information
For inquiries regarding this side event, please contact
- Milana Parshina,, +1-212-600-2107
- Marie-Hélène Vanderpool,, +1-212-6002107