Can Climate Finance be an Opportunity for Financing Development?
Organised by
Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA)
Africa Development Interchange Network (ADIN)
Climate Change Consortium Ethiopia
The SDG process has recognised the need to move away from a development plan (the MDGs) which focused primarily on the South, towards North-South and global cooperation now and into the future. It includes several goals which relate to climate and environment (Goals 2, 6, 7, 13, 14 and 15 in particular). There is thus an integral and recognised nexus between the development agenda and climate change and the same spirit of cooperation should apply to climate negotiations and agreements on finance. There is independent support for the idea that financing is not currently sufficient (such as in the 5th Assessment Report of the IPCC), and the principle that all countries need to contribute to the fight against climate change has been established. Issues of finance and adaptation are included in the draft negotiating text for the Paris agreement.
The FfD conference offers a chance to highlight the inadequacies of the current regime ahead of Paris and for civil society to call for both dedicated climate finance, and consideration of climate within the FfD discussions.
PACJA will host the side event on Monday 13th July in Addis Ababa in collaboration with its partners exploring these issues.
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