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4th Implementation Cycle: Review Session
3 - 14 May 2010
New York

Preparatory Process


Regional Implementation Meetings

The UN Regional Commissions, in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Commission on Sustainable Development, will organize Regional Implementation Meetings (RIMs) in order to contribute to the work of CSD during the implementation cycle focused on transport, chemicals, waste management, mining, 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production. The RIMs will be held in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (JPOI) and in collaboration with other regional and subregional organizations and bodies, as appropriate, as well as the regional offices of funds, programmes and international finance and trade institutions and other organizations and bodies of the United Nations system.

The Regional Implementation Meetings will take place before the CSD-18 review session, and should: contribute to advancing the implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and JPOI; focus on the thematic cluster of issues to be addressed in the ongoing implementation cycle; provide inputs to the Secretary-General’s reports and contribute to the 18th session of CSD (those inputs may include identification of region-specific obstacles and constraints, new challenges and opportunities, and sharing of lessons learned and best practices); provide for contributions from major groups.

The following RIMs will be organized as a contribution to the work of CSD-18:

Europe and North America RIM

1–2 December 2009
Geneva, Switzerland

Latin America and the Caribbean RIM

26-27 November 2009
Antigua, Guatemala

  • Hosted by:
  • Outcome Report
    [English] [Spanish]
  • Background Paper:
    - Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean: Trends, Progress, and Challenges In Sustainable Consumption and Production, Mining, Transport, Chemicals and Waste Management
    [English] [Spanish]

Western Asia RIM

4-6 October 2009
Cairo, Egypt