

New chances for the school girls in Tanzania

In Rural Tanzania, 40% of schools have no water supply and more than 60% do not have a place to dispose of sanitary pads. Girls would often have to skip school for several days at a time because of inadequate sanitation facilities. With the implementation of a World Bank's program, up to 1500 schools in 17 administrative regions of Tanzania will have improved toilet blocks and sanitation facilities.



Shafique Massih is a sewer worker in Lahore, Pakistan. His daily life is full of dangers. Hence, we must recognize their work even more. Know his story.

Eti often had to miss school due to diarrhoea and dysentery resulting from poor hygiene attributed to the state of the family toilet. But six months ago, her father upgraded their latrine. Since then, none of the family have fallen ill and Eti has been able to keep up with her studies.


Can you find the toilet?

There's one simple thing that could prevent the spread of disease, keep girls in school, and keep them safe, too — a toilet!

Unfortunately, for billions of people (60% of the world) there's no access to safe sanitation.

Click on the toilet hidden in each of these scenes and discover how hard can be to access safe sanitation. Hurry, though, we're timing you!