
Slogan of the 2023 campaign in hashtag format, #NoExcuse, and the sentence “There is no excuse for violence against women and girls” in the background repeated several times.
Photo:UN Women

Every 10 minutes, a woman is killed. 
UNiTE to End Violence against Women

Violence against women and girls remains one of the most prevalent and pervasive human rights violations in the world. Globally, almost one in three women have been subjected to physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both, at least once in their life.

For at least 51,100 women in 2023, the cycle of gender-based violence ended with one final and brutal act—their murder by partners and family members. That means a woman was killed every 10 minutes.

This scourge has intensified in different settings, including the workplace and online spaces, and has been exacerbated by conflicts, and climate change.

The solution lies in robust responses, holding perpetrators accountable, and accelerating action through well-resourced national strategies and increased funding to women’s rights movements.

Join our 16 days of activism

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women will mark the launch of the (Nov 25- Dec 10) — an initiative of of activism concluding on the day that commemorates the International Human Rights Day (10 December).

This 2024 campaign  will draw attention to the alarming escalation of violence against women to revitalize commitments, call for accountability and action from decision-makers.

UN Women’s official website

Become an activist for women's rights. We can all do something to empower those affected, as well as prevent and reduce gender violence. Use the 's hashtag #NoExcuse and spread the word!


What is considered violence against women

Violence against women and girls (VAWG) remains largely unreported due to the impunity, silence, stigma and shame surrounding it.

It can manifest in physical, sexual and psychological forms, encompassing:

  • intimate partner violence (battering, psychological abuse, marital rape, femicide);
  • sexual violence and harassment (rape, forced sexual acts, unwanted sexual advances, child sexual abuse, forced marriage, street harassment, stalking, cyber- harassment);
  • human trafficking (slavery, sexual exploitation);
  • female genital mutilation; and
  • child marriage.

Within the UN  issued by the UN General Assembly in 1993, defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.”

This affects women at all stages of their life, including education, employment, and opportunities.

Some women and girls, such as those in vulnerable situations or humanitarian crises, migrants, LGTBI, indigenous people or those with disabilities, face greater risk.

Violence against women continues to be an obstacle to achieving equality, development, peace as well as to the fulfillment of women and girls’ human rights. All in all, the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - to leave no one behind - cannot be fulfilled without putting an end to violence against women and girls.

Did you know?

  • Globally, an estimated 736 million women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence. Girls are at particular risk of violence—.
  • . Generation Z and Millennials are the most affected.
  • Globally, female genital mutilation has increased by 15% compared to data from eight years ago.

You are not alone

Have you experienced abuse and need help? If you have felt threatened, unsafe or need assistance, please see the .

Follow our UN Special event (10 am-13 pm, New York time)

This year 2024 marks 25 years since the declaration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is why the General Assembly will hold an event to reflect on the progress and achievements made to eliminate gender violence. The event can be seen live and on demand in 6 languages through .

Three women from three different generations and the title Stories

On 25th November 2024, UN Women and the  have launched the report “ Global estimates of intimate partner/family member femicides”. Follow the press conference at 12.30 pm EST with representatives of both UN agencies on  to know the latest key findings.

The 16 Days of Activism for this year are specially relevant considering the world approaches the??– a visionary blueprint for achieving gender equality and women’s and girls’ rights everywhere. 

an abstract illustration of people engaged in an event

International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool. We also mark other UN observances.