
A simulation of Sustainable Development Goals logo.

Stories - 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sub-Fund


  1. Implementing Agenda 2030: Strengthening Capacities of Developing Countries in integrating Economic Growth, Social Inclusion and evnironmental Protection for Sustainable Development
  2. Strengthening National Policy Capacities for Jointly Building the Belt and Road towards the Sustainable Development Goals
  3. Mobilizing Science, Technology, and Innovation in developing countries for the SDGs
  4. Enhancing national capacities for unleashing full potentials of micro-, small- and medium-enterprises (MSMEs) in achieving sustainable development goals in developing countries
  5. Promoting Youth Empowerment for Afghan Refugees and Host Communities in Pakistan through Continued Involvement of Children to Education and Provision of Skills Training for Livelihoods
  6. Enhancing service delivery in health and education for refugees in Iran by supporting their incorporation into public services provided by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  7. Improved Access to Secondary Education opportunities for the population in the protracted Somali Refugee situation in Jijiga Refugee Camps, North East Ethiopia
  8. Integrating migration into national development plans: towards policy coherence and the achievement of SDGs at national and global levels


  1. Enhancing capacity of developing countries to achieve sustainable agriculture through the transfer of Juncao technology for alleviating poverty and promoting productive employment
  2. Accelerating the achievement of SDG7: Enhancing capacities and South-South cooperation in support of SDG7 review, follow up and implementation
  3. Identifying pathways for UN system organizations to facilitate norm-setting for and application of frontier technologies to support Member States in addressing development challenges and promoting the achievement of the SDGs at all levels
  4. Integrating Landlocked Commodity Dependent Developing Countries into Regional and Global Value Chains
  5. Strengthening productive capacity in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) through providing an enabling environment for investment in sustainable energy development in support of graduation
  6. Strengthening national capacity for the implementation of the Global HIV Prevention Coalition Roadmap
  7. Working for Health: Health Employment and Inclusive Economic Growth


  1. Strengthening DESA’s capacity for policy analysis and knowledge production: support to the High-Level Advisory Board on Economic and Social Affairs
  2. Strengthening the capacity of selected least developed countries to address gaps and integrate good practices in their implementation of the 2030 Agenda
  3. New assistance measures for graduating Belt and Road least developed countries (LDCs) toward the achievement of Agenda 2030
  4. Achieving SDGs and ending poverty through Universal Social Protection
  5. Sengthening National Geospatial Information Management Capacities towards Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  6. Developing a Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and infrastructure financing network in Asia andthe Pacific
  7. Strengthening the capacity of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) under the Belt and Road Initiative to design and implement policies that promote transport connectivity for the achievement of the SDGs
  8. South-South Integration and the SDGs: Enhancing Structural Transformation in Key Partner Countries of the Belt and Road Initiative
  9. Strengthening the capacities of ECA Member States to develop geospatial information resources and services in support of the implementation and monitoring of the sustainable development goals
  10. Promoting Sustainable Investments along the Belt and Road by Strengthening Partner Countries Capacities and Establishing a Network of Sustainable Investment Promotion (SIP) Facilities with Ethiopia as the Early Pilot


  1. Strengthening policy analysis and knowledge sharing: support to the 2030 Agenda Global Policy Dialogue Series
  2. Implementing the 2030 Agenda by enhancing complementarities and synergies between the Agenda and the Belt and Road Initiative: a comprehensive strategic framework project proposal addressing emerging priority areas and needs in developing countries, including those participating in the Belt and Road Initiative
  3. Strengthening capacities of developing countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative to advance the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through enhanced development policy synergy, mutual learning and people-to-people exchange


  1. Strengthening capacity of developing countries to achieve sustainable agriculture through the transfer of Juncao Technology and analyzing and disseminating best practices and lessons learned for alleviating poverty and promoting productive employment
  2. Combatting COVID-19 and Promoting Sustainable Investments along the Belt and Road by Strengthening Partner Countries Capacities and Establishing a Network of Sustainable Investment Promotion (SIP) Facilities with Serbia as an Early Pilot
  3. Develop Integrated Programmes to Alleviate Binding Constraints to Development by Fostering Structural Transformation, Building Productive Capacities and Enhancing Investment Opportunities and Linkages with China
  4. Strengthening the capacity of surveillance and response in selected African countries to control Malaria in different settings by China-Africa networking
  5. High-Level Advisory Board for Economic and Social Affairs - Strengthening the UN’s Thought Leadership on Sustainable Development in the Decade of Action