
Research Resources

President of the General Assembly

Every year the President-elect of the General Assembly sets a theme for his one-year tenure leading the General Assembly. He does so in consultation with the incumbent President of the General Assembly and the Secretary-General. In accordance with , the General Assembly encourages Model UN organizations to include these themes when organizing Model UNs.


Learn the parliamentary workings of the General Assembly, Security Council, ECOSOC and Trusteeship Council through the series of UN Documentation research guides and learn the tricks to finding UN documents. Guides are also available on various thematic fields such as Climate Change, Disarmament, Human Rights, and Indigenous issues.


An overview of selected UN documents, publications, databases and websites.



Resources on researching UN information and youth, including information on Sustainable Development Goals, ECOSOC Youth forums, reports, resolutions and publications.


Resource pack for educators on challenging racism, prejudice and bigotry. 


The Dag Hammarskj?ld Library’s FAQ database to find answers to frequently asked questions about the UN. Submit your questions to the library via the submit a question option if you cannot find an answer.


Member States on the Record

Direct access to official documents reflecting the views of each UN Member States, with links to documents related to the Member State’s membership; statements made before the principal organs; draft resolutions sponsored, and more.


One-stop platform for researchers interested in accessing UN information current and historical. It offers easy access to documents, maps, speeches and voting data, as well as open access publications.


Free access to over 4,000 books, series, periodicals and journals published by more than 30 United Nations departments and agencies, covering a wide range of UN priority issues.



Comprehensive coverage of the Security Council’s interpretation and application of the United Nations Charter and its own Provisional Rules of Procedure since 1946.


The Essential UN

This website contains all essential information about the United Nations. Find fast facts, test your knowledge with UN quizzes and watch videos about the UN’s work around the world.