

Technical Working Group 4: Innovation, Technology and Data

Co-Leads: FAO, UN-Habitat, and UNIDO

This cross-cutting theme will focus on advancing energy access, energy transitions as well as enabling the SDGs through the development and application of data; technology,?innovation, research and capacity building measures, as well as through integrated policy making and?regulation that are necessary to achieve the Energy Compact commitments, and SDG7.

Members Titles & Affiliations
Ms. Rana Adib Executive Secretary, REN21
Ms. Doris Edem Agbevivi Energy Analyst, Energy Commission of Ghana
Mr. Feng An Founder and Executive Director, Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET)
Ms. Shay Bahramirad Vice President of Climate and Resilience, Quanta Technology
Ms. Mengrong Cheng President of State Grid Corporation of China North American Office
Ms. Fatima Denton Director, UNU Institute for Natural Resources in Africa
Ms. Jiska de Groot Skills and Enterprise Development Manager, Transforming Energy Access Programme, African Climate and Development Initiative (University of Cape Town)
Mr. Nazmul Haque Director (Investment) & Head of Advisory, IDCOL
Mr. Mark Howells Professor, Loughborough University and Imperial College, London
Mr. Gary Jackson Executive Director, CCREEE
Mr. Abishek Jain Director for Powering Livelihoods, CEEW
Mr. Matthew Jordan-Tank Director, Sustainable Infrastructure Policy & Project Preparation, EBRD
Ms. Wandee Khunchornyakong Juljarern CEO and Acting Executive Vice President (Accounting and Financing), SPCG Public Company Limited (SPCG)
Ms. Melanie A. Kenderdine Principal, Energy Futures Initiative
Ms. Kati Koponen Senior Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Ms. Shefali Kothari Clean Energy Startup Strategist, VIDA
Mr. Joseph McMonigle Secretary-General, International Energy Forum
Mr. Thomas Mitschke Energy Solutions Advisor, CARILEC
Ms. Nithya Ramanathan Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder, Nexleaf Analytics
Mr. Bah F M Saho Executive Director, ECREEE
Mr. De?er Sayg?n Director, SHURA Energy Transition Centre
Ms. Kathlen Schneider Director of the Latin American Institute for Alternative Energy (IDEAL)
Mr. Rafael Amaral Shayani Professor for Electrical Engineering, University of Brasilia
Mr. Johnathan Spremulli Principle Director - Marine and Head of Marin Department, International Chamber of Shipping, ICS
Ms. Mary Swai Programme Manager for Sustainable Energy and Climate Change, Tanzania Traditional Energy Development Organisation
Ms. Chelsea Tucker Research Coordinator, Waste to Fuel Initiative
Ms. Reyna Ubeda Project Officer, ITU
Mr. Nuki Agya Utama Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Energy
Mr. Pablo Vieira Global Director, NDC Partnership
Mr. Akuila Tawake Deputy Director, Georesources and Energy Programme, SPC
Mr. Eric Wanless Director, Technology and Innovation, The Rockefeller Foundation
Ms. Helen Watts Senior Director of Global Partnerships, Student Energy
Ms. Brianna Welsh Vice-President, Sindicatum Blockchain Technologies
Mr. Michael Wilkinson Chief Product Officer, Utopus Insights
Mr. Oleg Zhdaneev Head of Technology Development Center for Energy Sector, Russian Energy Agency
Ms. Ella Zhou Senior Energy Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Note: In addition to the Members listed below, the technical focal points of UN-Energy organisations will by default participate in any of the Technical Working Groups, as and where relevant.

April 2021

Second Meeting of TWG4

The second meeting of the Group served to review the draft report in an interactive setting.


March 2021

Annotated Outline of Thematic Report

The Co-Leads drafted an annotated outline for the Report of the TWG which has been shared with the Members of the Group for their review. READ MORE


Secretariat Summary of the First Meeting

The meeting focused on enabling technologies, Financial and social innovation including disruptive business models, Digital technologies and GIS to improve data availability and planning of energy in end-use sectors, Innovation in policy and governance, Capacity and skills. READ MORE


February 2021

Concept Note

The Co-Leads drafted a concept note for the work of the TWG which has been shared with the Members of the Group for their review. READ MORE