
Latest Statements by former USG Mr Sha Zukang - 2012

Date Meeting Location
27 July 2012 Closing Session of the 2012 ECOSOC Substantive Session New York
13 July 2012 Opening remarks at the ECOSOC Operational Activities Segment New York
10 July 2012 Closing remarks of the High-level Segment of ECOSOC New York
6 July 2012 Concluding remarks – 2012 Development Cooperation Forum New York
6 July 2012 Where do we go from Rio? New York
5 July 2012 Findings of Survey for the DCF New York
5 July 2012 Friends of the DCF luncheon meeting New York
5 July 2012 USG Sha to introduce Report DCF New York
3 July 2012 Mr. Sha to introduce SG AMR report New York
3 July 2012 HL Dialogue on World Economy New York
22 June 2012 Closing Remarks for Commitments press conference Rio de Janeiro
22 June 2012 Opening Remarks for Commitment Press Conference Rio de Janeiro
22 June 2012 CEB event on "Making sustainable development a reality Rio de Janeiro
22 June 2012 Closing of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio de Janeiro
21 June 2012 Climate Neutral UN Participation at Rio+20 through South-south Cooperation Rio de Janeiro
21 June 2012 Development Cooperation Forum (DCF) Special Event at the Rio+20 Rio de Janeiro
20 June 2012 Ceremonial opening of the Conference Rio de Janeiro
20 June 2012 UNCTAD side event on Building Green Economies Rio de Janeiro
19 June 2012 Population Prospect and Sustainable Development Rio de Janeiro
19 June 2012 Plenary Meeting of the Pre-Conference Informal Consultations Rio de Janeiro
19 June 2012 Rio+20 Energy Day Rio de Janeiro
19 June 2012 Business Action for Sustainble Development 2012 (BASD 2012) Rio de Janeiro
18 June 2012 Global Forum on Electric Mobility Rio de Janeiro
18 June 2012 Forum On Civil Society And Green Economy In China UNEP Pavilion, Athletes Park, Rio de Janeiro
17 June 2012 Meeting Challenges for the Urban Future China Pavilion, Athletes Park, Rio de Janeiro
17 June 2012 Closing Plenary World Summit of Legislators Rio de Janeiro
17 June 2012 Bright Moon Joint Event Summit Rio de Janeiro
16 June 2012 China-Mobilizing Voluntary Stakeholder Contributions for an inclusive green economy Rio de Janeiro
16 June 2012 Sustainable Development in China and China's prospects for Rio+20 Rio de Janeiro
15 June 2012 Opening plenary of the Global Compact Rio +20 Rio de Janeiro
15 June 2012 Rio 1992 Commemorative Ceremony Rio de Janeiro
13 June 2012 Press Briefing in Rio Rio de Janeiro
13 June 2012 Third PrepCom in Rio Rio de Janeiro
5 June 2012 Flag Raising Ceremony Brasilia
2 June 2012 Closing Remarks On Rio+20 Informal Consultations New York
4 May 2012 Rio+20 Informal Consultations New York
23 April 2012 Commission On Population And Development New York
19 April 2012 Group Of 24 Washington D.C.
18 April 2012 Harmony with Nature (Closing) New York
18 April 2012 Harmony with Nature (Opening) New York
11 April 2012 Rio+20 Business & Industry Hague, Netherlands
4 April 2012 ECOSOC Post-2015 Briefing New York
3 April 2012 ECOSOC AMR Prep meeting (closing) New York
27 March 2012 3rd Intersessional Meeting New York
22 March 2012 Urban Development Symposium Tokyo, Japan
19 March 2012 Rio+20 Informal-Informals New York
13 March 2012 International Energy Forum Kuwait City
9 March 2012 Brazilian (SD) Commission Brasilia, Brazil
8 March 2012 Brazilian Senate Brasilia, Brazil
1 March 2012 Canadian International Model UN Edmonton, Alberta
28 February 2012 Post 2015 Development Agenda Conference Room 1, UNHQ, New York
28 February 2012 Statistical Commission New York
27 February 2012 Post 2015 (Expert Group) New York
27 February 2012 ECOSOC Partnerships Event New York
21 February 2012 Global Ministerial Environment Forum Nairobi, Kenya
21 February 2012 Rio+20 Open Dialogue Nairobi, Kenya
13 February 2012 UN Operational Activities for Development New York
9 February 2012 International Year of Forests (Closing) New York
9 February 2012 Development Cooperation Panel New York
4 February 2012 High Level Ministerial Roundtable Palo Alto, US
1 February 2012 Commission for Social Development New York
27 January 2012 Zero Draft Consultations (Closing) New York
25 January 2012 Zero Draft Consultations (Opening) New York
15 January 2012 Sustainable Energy for All Abu Dhabi
14 January 2012 General Assembly of IRENA Abu Dhabi