
Welcome Remarks UN-Energy Principals Meeting

Dear Colleagues,

I join the Co-Chairs in welcoming you all to this UN-Energy Principals meeting to discuss the way forward. 

SDG 7 is key to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the Paris Agreement on climate change. 

The High-level Dialogue on Energy – which the Secretary-General convened at the summit level on 24 September last year, under the auspices of the General Assembly, was a resounding success. It created strong momentum towards SDG 7. 

Notably, the Dialogue resulted in the first-ever Global Roadmap for Accelerated SDG 7 Action. It presents a clear way forward for the achievement of SDG 7, including a set of concrete and practical milestones. 

And the outcomes of COP 26 at Glasgow stressed the urgency of accelerating energy transition. 

We need to take full advantage of the momentum created. It is essential that UN-Energy step up its role in this regard.

First, we must spear-head the implementation of the Global Roadmap for Accelerated SDG7 Action, towards its 2025 milestones. Reaching these milestones is a prerequisite for the achievement of SDG7, and net zero emission. 

Second, we must urgently catalyse action by all stakeholders. The Energy Compacts will continue to provide a key vehicle to translate the global roadmap into concrete action and partnerships. We will establish an Energy Compact Action Network, through which UN-Energy will work with all stakeholders to mobilise additional commitments and to drive implementation.

Third, we must strengthen collaboration and joint action by UN-Energy towards the  UN-Energy Pledge. All our agencies are global leaders in their respective fields, covering all aspects of energy and sustainable development. 

We need to take full advantage of our respective strengths, complementing each other’s efforts to maximize impact. Achieving universal access to electricity and clean cooking solutions remain central. 

Our Plan of Action Towards 2025 will be critical to help us in structuring our cooperation in fulfilling the UN-Energy Pledge. The Secretariat has shared a first draft for your review. We look forward to your feedback.

Under my leadership, DESA, through the UN-Energy Secretariat, will enhance our coordination efforts.

I will be convening shortly, a briefing to inform Member States of the follow-up to the High-level Dialogue on energy. And, to start discussing a global stocktaking of the implementation of the outcomes of the Dialogue and the UN Decade of Sustainable Energy for All.

Dear Friends,

Today, we have the opportunity to exchange our views on the way forward for UN-Energy. Our discussions will guide the further development of the Plan of Action, which we hope to launch in March 2022.

Let us together, as UN-Energy, lead the way towards a sustainable and equitable world that leaves no one behind, for us and for future generations. 

I thank you. 

File date: 
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Mr. Liu