
Principals-Level Meeting Of The Inter-Agency Task Force On Financing For Development Closing Remarks

Distinguished colleagues, 

Thank you for your very rich and extremely helpful interventions. Let me assure you that my Department will take these into account in working with you on the 2022 Financing for Sustainable Development Report. I would welcome your further thoughts or reactions.  

I am pleased that this Task Force is serving as a means of dialogue among the member institutions, and a model for how the international system can work together to support Member States. It is a great example of the power of networked multilateralism to deliver.

Aside from the FSDR drafting, my team will organize a number of engagements over the coming months. As in the past, we will organize one or two informal public dialogues with Member States and external stakeholders, and encourage your staff to participate.

We expect to hold at least one expert group meeting this fall to discuss the role of credit rating agencies. We may also have a further dedicated meeting on the thematic chapter to advance the ideas we discussed today. My team will send further details as the planning advances.

Finally, I would like to reiterate that DESA welcomes your feedback and guidance for our work going forward. I welcome all of you to work with my team to organize meetings and substantive discussions under the aegis of this Task Force. 

I look forward to the continued collaboration of the agencies that are members of the Task Force.

I thank you.

File date: 
Monday, September 27, 2021

Mr. Liu