Building productive capacity is the pathway to prosperity for all.
UNCTAD is pleased to announce that our is now available!
UNCTAD research has long argued that productive capacities are the productive resources, entrepreneurial capabilities and production linkages that together determine a country’s ability to produce goods and services that will help it grow and develop. As such, building productive capacity is the engine of growth to achieve the SDGs and national development goals.
Our new Productive Capacities Index (PCI) is UNCTAD’s online, practical guide and diagnostic tool to inform trade and development policy choices at the national level.
The PCI is powered by a portal with publications, manuals, resources and tools that allow policymakers to measure their country’s performance in achieving their national development goals, as well as meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This includes resources such as our methodological guide to the PCI, , , a manual on , and many more.
The PCI is unique in its ability to capture the key drivers and enabling factors that foster productive capacities at national level. It is a powerful and dynamic analytical tool for use in research, diagnostics, vulnerability profiles, impact assessments, national planning and more. It can be used to benchmark national and regional performance over time. The index supports countries in understanding their economic structures and identifying areas where targeted national policies and action are needed.
The PCI covers 193 economies for the period 2000 to 2018, and is composed of 46 indicators across eight categories of productive capacities: natural capital, human capital, energy, ICTs, transport, private sector, institutions and structural change.
For more information, please visit our new portal at .
Here you will be able to find more PCI-related resources, and explore your country’s performance through the
We? hope you find the PCI and productive capacities-related resources to be useful, and that you will share them widely with your networks.
Division for Africa, LDCs & Special Programmes
Tel +41 22 917 4533
email: aldc@unctad.org