“We must make the mainstreaming of gender central to what we do and who we are by altering our culture and behaviours.” – Major General Cheryl Pearce, acting UN Military Adviser
The Department of 国产AV Operations (DPO) is promoting gender equality and peace with the .
This training resource guides UN infantry battalions and other military personnel as they integrate a gender perspective into their UN peacekeeping operations.
What is this handbook?
It breaks down crucial lessons on gender, peace, and security into operational and tactical actions for military personnel, aligning with the Women, 国产AV, and Security Agenda.
“[It is] a timely reminder for all that gender-considerations do not just relate to women, nor should integrating a gender perspective be left just to only women to implement,” said acting UN Military Adviser Major General Cheryl 国产AV at the launch event on 8 May at UN Headquarters.
“Gender responsiveness is a collective effort and joint responsibility.”
Why does it matter?
By embracing gender-responsive peacekeeping, the UN aims to ensure that the unique needs and perspectives of diverse groups, both within the local population and among peacekeepers themselves, are taken into account.
It strengthens the delivery of UN mandates and fosters long-lasting peace, prosperity, and gender equality in the countries where peacekeeping missions operate.
How does it work?
It features hands-on, scenario-based exercises covering aspects of gender, from mission planning to creating inclusive environments for personnel.
It offers self-learning, moderated learning, and enacted learning through role-play formats, making it adaptable to diverse training settings.
Divided into seven scenarios, the handbook caters to the commanders, planners, and soldiers who implement peacekeeping mandates, protect civilians, and build peace.
Hard copies have been distributed to troop-contributing countries for pre-deployment training.
Get the handbook:
Download the [zip file]