The?10th annual ECOSOC Youth Forum?will be here shortly. From 7 to 8 April, young leaders, delegates, and policymakers worldwide will come together to discuss how their generation can help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and make a positive impact.
In 2021, the virtual ECOSOC Youth Forum is gathering participants who are passionate about creating a better world for future generations.? This event represents an opportunity to seek creative solutions to issues that play a critical role in the lives of young people worldwide.
UN Publications is pleased to share some gifts and books that participants may be interested in to show their support for sustainable development. ? Here are some highlights:
- Our?t is a grip that can be attached to the back of a smartphone and can also be used as a stand to watch the meeting wherever you are.
- We offer an??set (made with recycled materials) to show support for the SDGs during virtual meetings.?
- Just out??provides trusted information on how the pandemic has significantly impacted those most vulnerable.
Regardless of how you choose to show support for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, we hope you keep an eye out for all the latest ECOSOC Youth Forum updates.
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